we have to be part of all works for enviroment A to Z..
-----Original Message-----
From: Cathy Zoi, The We Campaign <info@wecansolveit.org>
To: nicky muradoglu <nmuradoglu@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:47 pm
Subject: Everyone's Talking
| | | Dear nicky, As we launch the We Campaign, you'll notice that I'm sending updates from this new address. This week, President Bush talked about global warming in the Rose Garden. Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi -- past and present Speakers of the House -- are talking about it in our latest ad that aired yesterday. On Tuesday, Oprah Winfrey will talk about it on her show. People are talking about it in lunchrooms, classrooms and the halls of Congress. We need more people to join in these conversations so we can turn the talk into results. We're already more than a million strong. If each of us gets five more friends to push for global warming solutions, together we'll be a powerful voice that will be impossible to ignore. You've asked us for tools to get your friends on board and here they are. And, we've added a fun challenge with a bonus for early supporters like you: Signup at least 10 people and we'll send you an official We Campaign t-shirt (everyone else has to sign up 20 people). Signup forty or more people, and you'll have the opportunity to become a We Leader -- they play a leadership role in their communities, and get access to behind-the-scenes information, events and tools. People with the best success stories will be featured in a special online Hall of Fame. If enough of us join the movement for change, elected leaders will make global warming a priority, and everyone in America will be able to get clean energy that preserves the planet and creates jobs. Together, we are powerful. You can be a leader in this exciting wave of change by taking action today. Getting your friends to join is easy: Just invite people with this online form and we'll know they signed up because of your invitation. We also have downloadable forms that you can fax or mail in. Need some ideas? Visit our Challenge page for downloadable forms, cool facts, and extra tips. Click here today to see how many people you can get involved. Sincerely, Cathy Zoi CEO wecansolveit.org P.S. Nobel laureate and former Vice President Al Gore will be on the Oprah Winfrey show on April 22 talking about actions needed to solve the climate crisis. Be sure to tune in! | | |
Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director
Daughters of Atat�rk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atat�rk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
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