29 Şubat 2008 Cuma

[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Kimdi o ABD’ye ’rest’ çeken?..



Kimdi o ABD'ye 'rest' çeken?..

HABERLER þöyleydi:

"Baþbakan, ABD'ye rest çekti..."


Çeker çeker.

Medyaya daðýtýlan "Ulusa Sesleniþ" metninde rest olarak "Ýþimiz bitince çýkarýz" diyordu Baþbakan. ABD "çýkýn" deyince acele yeni kayýt yapýldý ve Baþbakan bu sefer "Ýþimiz bitti" dedi.

Herhalde izlediniz.

Nasýl buldunuz "rest"i?..

Ve uzmanlar "iþimizin haftalar-aylar sonra biteceðini" hesaplarken, Kuzey Irak'tan çekilme kararý geldi, dün çekildik.


Kuzey Irak'
a girerken Washington'a kadar gidip kimden izin alýndýysa, çýkma iþi de oradan sorulur.


Çünkü; büyük devlet olmak için; büyük ordu, büyük nüfus, büyük toprak, büyük millet olmak yetmiyor.

Büyük devlet adamlarý lazým.

Donanýmlý, bilgili...

Kendinden emin...

Ve güven veren...

Bakýn; Ýngiltere tacýnýn adaylarýndan Prens Harry'nin Afganistan'da savaþtýðý ortaya çýktý.

Kraliçe göndermiþ.

Büyük devlet iþte böyle olunur.

Ýngiltere'de eðer meydanlara doluþmuþ insanlar bir aðýzdan "Bilal askere, Bilal askere..." diye baðýrsalardý, Ýngiltere elbette büyük devlet olamazdý.

Koyun bunun üzerine; Baþbakan olmak için kendi parlamentosundan önce Washington'a koþmalarý... "Stratejik ortaðýz" teslimiyetini... "Bu adamý delikten süpüreceðinize kullanýn" ödünlerini...


ABD "çýkýn"
dedi, çýktýk.

Hepimiz biliyoruz ki, ABD ne derse o...

Hepimiz biliyoruz ki, ABD'nin istemi dýþýnda karþýya top mermisi bile atýlamazken, bu arkadaþlar ABD'nin istemi dýþýnda asla ve asla hareket edemez.


Milleti aptal yerine koymanýn lüzumu yok... __._,_.___

Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] ibretlik ozdeyisin güncel yorumu...

 Bir özdeyiş AFRİKADAN.... ...  Batılılar geldiklerinde ellerinde İncil, bizim elimizde topraklarımız vardı. Bize, gözlerimizi kapayarak dua etmesini öğrettiler. Gözümüzü açtığımızda ise; bizim elimizde İncil, onların elinde topraklarımız vardı. Kenya Kurucu Devlet Başkanı  Günümüz TÜRKİYE'sine uyarlanışı.... . AKP geldiğinde elimizde özgürlük, laiklik, cumhuriyet vardı Bize,kömür verdiler, aşevinde yemek verdiler, gözümüzü kapayarak tekrar oy atmamızı istediler. Gözümüzü açtığımızda ise, bizim başımızda türban, yüzümüzde sakal, onların elinde ise para, iktidar vardı..   T.C. vatandaşı  ________________________________  

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Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Yeni nesil fikralar :)

> > >
> > Ankara'da, adamin biri isine giderken birden
> > > anormal bir trafigin icine duser, ama trafik bir milimetre bile
> > >
> > > kipirdamamaktadir. Bir sure sonra arabasinin yan
> > > camina birisinin tikladigini gorur ve camini acar
> > > -Ne var, ne olmus acaba???
> > > Teroristler Tayyip Erdogan'i
> > > yakaladilar....Eger 1 milyar YTL
> > >
> > > verilmezse uzerine benzin dokup yakacaklarmis!
> > > -Yaa ,iste onun icin herkesten biraz yardim topluyoruz.
> >
> > >
> > -Insanlar ne kadar veriyor ortalama olarak?
> > > -Valla, yaklasik olarak 5'er litre...!!!
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > 355 AKP milletvekili hepsi birden ayni ucaga
> > > binmisler ama ucak teroristlerce kacirilmis!Teroristler istedikleri
> > > fidye verilmezse ,her saat basi bir milletvekilini serbest
> > >
> > > birakacaklarini ilan etmisler.
> > >
> > > -------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > A.GUL
> > > Abdullah GUL, Amerika Buyukelcisi ile birlikte
> > > Turkiye'de Amerikalilar tarafindan acilan ilk domuz ciftligini
> > >
> > > ziyaretegitmis.
> > > Bir gun sonra Yeni Safak gazetesi yazarlari Gul'un
> > > domuzlar arasinda cekilen resmine uygun bir baslik aramaya
> > > baslamislar.
> > > Biri ' GUL domuzlar arasinda' olsun demis.
> > >
> > > Bir baskasi 'Domuzlar GUL'un etrafinda' olsun
> > > demis.
> > > Ve ucuncu oneri cok begenilmis.
> > > 'Soldan ikinci GUL'
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------------------------
> > > KIMLIK
> > >
> > > Bir ciftlik evine davet edilen Kenan Evren, Orhan
> > > Gencebay ve Tayyip
> > > Erdogan ayni anda kapiya gelirler.
> > > Kapida bekci karsilar. Ama bekci guvenlik konusunda
> > > sikica tembihlendigi icin gelenlere kimliklerini sorar.
> > >
> > > Gencebay 'Beni herkes tanir. Bak sazimda elimde.
> > > Sazim benim kimligimdir.'der
> > > Bekci tamam sizi sazinizdan tanidim. Gecin' der.
> > > Kenan Evren 'Bende Marmaris'te resim yapiyorum.
> > > Herkes beni tanir. Bak paletlerimi de getirdim.
> > >
> > > Belki burada da resim yapacagim' der.
> > > Bekci 'Tamam sizi de tanidim. Guzel hanimlarin
> > > resimlerini yapiyorsun, gecebilirsiniz' der.
> > > Sira Tayyip Erdogan'a gelince,
> > > Erdogan, 'Ne kimligi, artistlik yapma lann!' der.
> > >
> > > Bekci bu kez, 'Tamam Basbakanim. Kimlik
> > > gostermenize gerek yok bu
> > > beyaniniz yeter.'
> > >
> > > ----------------------------------------------------
> > > Birisi Taksim'de duvara bir metrelik harflerle
> > >
> > > 'Tayyip Kafasizdir' yazmis.
> > > Adama 10 yil ceza vermisler. Bir yili, kamu malina
> > > zarar vermekten, dokuz yili da devlet sirrini
> > > aciklamaktan.
> > >
> > > --------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > AKP'nin kurulus yildonumu torenleri sirasinda bir
> > > ihtiyar tasidigi pankartla ilgi cekmis.
> > > 'Cocuklugumuzu bize bagislayan Tayyip'e
> > > tesekkurler!!'
> > > Ihtiyari sorguya cekmisler... 'Sen kiminle alay
> > >
> > > ediyorsun? Sen cocukken Tayyip henuz dogmamisti bile...'
> > > 'Iste onun icin tesekkur ediyorum ya!...'
> > > ---------------------------------------------------
> > > Tayyip akil hastanesinde konusma yapiyormus. Bir
> > >
> > > kisi disinda dinleyicilerin tumu alkislamis.
> > > Tayyip, alkislamayan kisiye donerek, 'Siz nicin
> > > alkislamiyorsunuz' diye sormus.
> > > Adam yanitlamis: 'Ben hastabakiciyim'
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > ISABET
> > > Sehit cenazelerine karsilamak icin Anadolu
> > > illerinden birine giden Tayyip top atisiyla selamlanmis.
> > > Ikinci atistan sonra yasli bir kadin polise sormus:
> > > 'Niye ates ediyorlar,evladim?'
> > >
> > > Polis aciklamis:'Tayyip geldi de...'
> > > Vah, vah... ilk atista isabet ettiremediler
> > > demek...'
> > >
> > > --------------------------------------------------
> > > > Bulent ARINC, Fatih CEKIRGE ve Hakan SUKUR dagda
> > >
> > > kaybolmuslar.
> > > Bir turlu yollarini bulamiyorlar.
> > > Hava kararmak uzere ve cok siddetli bir tipi var.
> > > Tam donacaklar, bir ev gormusler. Hemen kapiyi
> > > calmislar, yasli bir adam cikmis,
> > > 'Bu gece burada kalabilir miyiz? Yoksa donacagiz'
> > >
> > > 'Tamam, kalin ama iki kisi evde yatabilir, digeri
> > > ahirda yatacak, evde yer yok'
> > > Kabul etmisler ve ahirda kimin yatacagini
> > > kararlastirmak icin ahirin onune gelmisler.
> > > Once Hakan SUKUR girmis;10 saniye sonra cikmis
> > >
> > > 'Burada inek var, ben yatamam!'
> > > Sonra Fatih CEKIRGE girmis; 10 saniye sonra cikmis
> > > 'Burada inekvar, ben yatamam!'
> > > En son Bulent ARINC girmis; 10 saniye sonra INEK
> > > disari cikmis
> > > 'Burada ARINC var, ben yatamam!'
> > >
> > >
> > > -----------------------------------------------
> > > Tayyip Cin'e ziyarete gidince Cin Basbakanina
> > > sormus 'Cin'de senden nefret eden kac kisi var?'
> > > Fazla degil,yaklasik 60 milyon'
> > >
> > > 'Eh, bizde de benden nefret edenler yaklasik o
> > > kadar'
> > >
> >

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. __._,_.___

Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atat�rk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atat�rk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Ayakta Duramıyorum

Ayakta Duramıyorum

Bu gün gönlüm sarhoş, ayakta duramıyorum
Düzler yokuş olmuş kendime varamıyorum
Sanki ecelin bestesini söyler gibiyim
Yaşama döndüren saati kuramıyorum

Gönül gözlerimle göremiyorum önümü
Ufuklar kararmış, bulamıyorum yönümü
Mecalsiz yüreğimde cepheler kurulmuş
Belki de ilk defa yaşıyorum son günümü

Getirin bana şifalı kudret helvasını
Getirin ötelerin mis kokan havasını
Fırtınalar kopuyor, can evim yıkılıyor
Getirin tabiplerden bu derdin devasını

Sizden gencim derdim, şu asırlık meşelere
Doymazdım hiç, elveda dediğim neşelere
Her gün katıla katıla gülüp eğlenirken
Ne oldu da hemen düştüm baş köşelere

Engin NAMLI 23:43 11.03.2003

ayrıca bu şiir aşağıdaki linke SLAYT olarak verilmiştir.






Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Re: Anadolu kadini

Her zaman yorumlara bakarim... Son zamanlarda gazete haberlerine bile
yorum yapan bir guruh var, "guruh" diyorum cunku o kadar belli ki
guruh olduklari.. Islam adina yorum yapiyorlar ama agizlari dolu dolu
kufur ediyorlar.. Yani kendi kendilerini yalanlamis oluyorlar..
Egitim, egitim dedigimiz sadece okulla olmuyor tabi, insanlar
ailelerinin yaninda ogrendiklerini baska hic bir yerde ogrenemezler
ve 0-7 yas arasi ogrenilenleri de oyle kimse kolay kolay
degistiremez. Bunun ne fakirlikle, ne zenginlikle de bir ilgisi
yoktur. Turkiye bu aptal ve malesef cahil insanlarin yuzunden hizla
bir ucuruma dogru yuvarlaniyor ve biz ise sadece seyrediyoruz.


--- In Daughters_of_Ataturk@yahoogroups.com, siren tulunay
<tulunaysiren@...> wrote:
> iyi günler...maillerinizi hep takip
ediyorum...tesekkurler....youtube un alt¹nda yorumlar var...hic
okudunuz mu onlar¹..inan¹lmaz....
> sadece sormak istedim..sevgiler
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Fethiye Temiz <GentleDoe_4@...>
> To: amerikadakiayyildiz@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 3:59:36 AM
> Subject: [Daughters_of_Ataturk] Anadolu kadini
> 1) http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=W-ypxlZ6euA
> 2) http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=XgJdp1TGCNc&feature=related
> 3) http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=0MkrQ66j5qk&feature=related
> 4) http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=ZRKwYtG8Qyg&feature=related
> Sevgiler,
> Fethiye
> Be a better friend, newshound, and
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director


Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.
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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] LUPUS FOUNDATION OF AMERICA Inc. needs help

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Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director


Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.
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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Editorial at Financial Times: Rethinking the message of Islam

Rethinking the message of Islam

Published: February 28 2008 02:00 | Last updated: February 28 2008 02:00

Aficionados of the clash of civilisations are fond of the thesis that the Muslim world's problem is that it has not undergone a reformation. This imperiously ignores that Islam, by retrieving the classics of Greek science and philosophy, dragged Europe out of the dark ages and made possible the Renaissance.

It is nonetheless true that the articulation of modern Islamic thinking is hampered by a number of self-inflicted handicaps. News that Turkey's religious establishment is close to completing a modern reinterpretation of Islam is therefore a potentially huge - and highly controversial - development.

Theologians at Ankara University, backed by the Diyanet, Turkey's state authority for religious affairs, are re-examining the Hadith, the sayings and deeds attributed to the Prophet Mohammed. The Hadith were not codified until two centuries after the Prophet's death in 632. While the Koran is held by Muslims to be the revealed word of God to the Prophet, the Hadith - initially an orally transmitted tradition of the Prophet's time - are the origin of the majority of Sharia law.

Modern scholars believe many Hadith betray cultural traditions and mechanisms of social control - particularly of women - alien to the original message of Islam. Practices such as female genital mutilation, common in Egypt, are African customs alien to the Arabian peninsula. Even the veiling of women is thought to be a borrowing from the Byzantine aristocracy.

The "Ankara School" plans to strip away the accretions and apocrypha of the Hadith, looking at the texts through the contextual techniques of hermeneutics. The idea, encouraged by Turkey's government of neo-Islamist reformists, is of a truly modernised Islam.

There have been lots of progressive Muslim clerics, who arrived at advanced positions on issues such as contraception or stem-cell research before many of their Christian counterparts. But Islam has also been handicapped by its clerical establishments' historic antipathy to theological and philosophical debate - in particular the practice of ijtihad , or reasoning from first principles to tackle questions unforeseen in the Prophet's time.

Turkey alone cannot overcome this. Wahhabi fundamentalists in Saudi Arabia and Muslim conservatives in Egypt will, furthermore, paint post-Ottoman Turkey as warped by secularism and confined to the periphery of Islam. But Islam too is undergoing a form of globalisation - and Turkey's success in coming up with a modern but identifiably Muslim politics should give its religious modernism an edge.



Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Turkish Digest - 25 new articles

FeedBlitz <feedblitz@mail.feedblitz.com> wrote:
From: FeedBlitz <feedblitz@mail.feedblitz.com>
To: daughters_of_ataturk <daughters_of_ataturk@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:20:20 -0500
Subject: Turkish Digest - 25 new articles

Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director
Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.__._,_.___

Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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Here are the latest updates for daughters_of_ataturk@yahoo.com

"Turkish Digest" - 25 new articles

  1. Patrick Cockburn: The Turkish invasion could destroy a unified Iraq - Commentators, Opinion - Independent.co.uk
  2. Turkey strives for 21st century form of Islam | World news | The Guardian
  3. FT.com / World - Turkey's fresh look at Prophet nears end
  4. FT.com / World - EBRD looks at role in Turkey
  5. 'Genocide' politics
  6. Analysis: Turkey's risky PKK war - UPI.com
  7. Christofias: Turkey remains key factor in Cyprus solution_English_Xinhua
  8. Report: Turkey's president approves return of confiscated property to religious minorities - International Herald Tribune
  9. BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkey determined to crush PKK
  10. Aegon Says to Acquire Turkish Insurer Ankara | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters
  11. Azeris call on Europe to condemn Armenian 'genocide' : Europe World
  12. Press TV - Turks: Hijab symbol of religious identity
  13. Talking to Turkey's Kurds - The Boston Globe
  14. Turkey's Iraq war - The Boston Globe
  15. Suzan Sabanci Dincer Proves Turkey's Answer to Customer's Man
  16. Trend News : Meeting of Turkic Speaking Countries Parliament Chairmen to be Held
  17. In Turkey, Students Test a New Policy on Head Scarves - washingtonpost.com
  18. US: Turkey should take account of Iraqi Kurdish civilian concerns
  19. Iraq calls on U.S. to intervene in Turkish incursion - Los Angeles Times
  20. Can Turkish economy survive high energy prices?
  21. Turkish troops and PKK battle for 5th day in N.Iraq - swissinfo
  22. Turkish foreign real estate spending tops $10 bln in 5 years
  23. Travel Biz Monitor :: Turkey to open tourist office in India
  24. IOL: 'Turkish offensive could spark unrest'
  25. U.S. Knew of Turkey's Plan To Hit PKK, Didn't Object
  26. Search Turkish Digest

Patrick Cockburn: The Turkish invasion could destroy a unified Iraq - Commentators, Opinion - Independent.co.uk

"Patrick Cockburn: The Turkish invasion could destroy a unified Iraq

Iraq is disintegrating faster than ever. The Turkish army invaded the north of the country last week and is still there. Iraqi Kurdistan is becoming like Gaza where Israel can send in its tanks and helicopters at will."

More:Patrick Cockburn: The Turkish invasion could destroy a unified Iraq - Commentators, Opinion - Independent.co.uk
Email to a friendRelated

Turkey strives for 21st century form of Islam | World news | The Guardian

"Turkey strives for 21st century form of Islam

· Move to rewrite sharia law basis and redefine Qur'an
· Fusion of Muslim beliefs and western principles

Turkey is engaged in a bold and profound attempt to rewrite the basis for Islamic sharia law while also officially reinterpreting the Qur'an for the modern age.

The exercise in reforming Islamic jurisprudence, sponsored by the modernising and mildly Islamic government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister, is being seen as an iconoclastic campaign to establish a 21st century form of Islam, fusing Muslim beliefs and tradition with European and western philosophical methods and principles."

More:Turkey strives for 21st century form of Islam | World news | The Guardian
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FT.com / World - Turkey's fresh look at Prophet nears end

"Turkey's fresh look at Prophet nears end

By Vincent Boland in Ankara

Published: February 27 2008 02:00 | Last updated: February 27 2008 02:00

Turkey's religious authorities are close to completing a significant revision of the reports and interpretations of what the Prophet Mohammed said and did, in a project likely to generate fierce debate in the Muslim world and the west."

More:FT.com / World - Turkey's fresh look at Prophet nears end
Email to a friendRelated

FT.com / World - EBRD looks at role in Turkey

"EBRD looks at role in Turkey

By Stefan Wagstyl in London

Published: February 27 2008 02:00 | Last updated: February 27 2008 02:00

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the multilateral bank for former communist countries, is considering launching operations in Turkey."

More:FT.com / World - EBRD looks at role in Turkey
Email to a friendRelated

'Genocide' politics

"Embassy Row

By James Morrison
February 26, 2008

'Genocide' politics

A grim but tireless debate between Turks and Armenians for more than nine decades found its way into the U.S. presidential campaign, as Turkish-Americans began organizing politically against any change in Washington's policy toward the 'Armenian genocide' of 1915."

More:Embassy Row - - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
Email to a friendRelated

Analysis: Turkey's risky PKK war - UPI.com

"Analysis: Turkey's risky PKK war

Published: Feb. 26, 2008 at 4:10 PM

UPI Germany Correspondent
BERLIN, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- While the European Union has criticized Turkey's ground incursion into northern Iraq, Washington seems to silently approve. That strategy is not without risk, however, especially if the military move would take civilian lives and longer than it should."

More:Analysis: Turkey's risky PKK war - UPI.com
Email to a friendRelated

Christofias: Turkey remains key factor in Cyprus solution_English_Xinhua

"Christofias: Turkey remains key factor in Cyprus solution
www.chinaview.cn 2008-02-27 03:15:22

NICOSIA, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- President-elect of Cyprus Demetris Christofias said on Tuesday that efforts to solve the Cyprus problem also depend on Turkey, which has stationed up to 40,000 troops in the north."

More:Christofias: Turkey remains key factor in Cyprus solution_English_Xinhua
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Report: Turkey's president approves return of confiscated property to religious minorities - International Herald Tribune

"Report: Turkey's president approves return of confiscated property to religious minorities

ISTANBUL, Turkey: Turkey's president on Tuesday approved a European Union-backed law to return properties belonging to religious minorities confiscated by the state decades ago, state-run media said."

More:Report: Turkey's president approves return of confiscated property to religious minorities - International Herald Tribune
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BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkey determined to crush PKK

"Turkey determined to crush PKK
By Sarah Rainsford
BBC News, Istanbul

Turkish commando troops near the Turkey-Iraq border in Sirnak province, 24 February 2008
Heavy snow on the Iraqi border has hampered the Turkish operation

In a remote, snow-covered region of northern Iraq, Turkish troops have been battling Kurdish PKK rebels for five days."

More:BBC NEWS | Europe | Turkey determined to crush PKK
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Aegon Says to Acquire Turkish Insurer Ankara | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters

"Aegon Says to Acquire Turkish Insurer Ankara

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch insurer Aegon (AEGN.AS: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Tuesday it had agreed to buy Turkish insurer Ankara Emeklilik from Polis Bakim ve Yardim Sandigi as it expands into the fast-growing Turkish life insurance and pension market."

More:Aegon Says to Acquire Turkish Insurer Ankara | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters
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Azeris call on Europe to condemn Armenian 'genocide' : Europe World

"Azeris call on Europe to condemn Armenian 'genocide'

Europe World News | Home
Brussels - Azeri demonstrators called on the European Union on Tuesday to condemn Armenian war crimes in the disputed area of Nagorno Karabakh, 16 years after one of the most notorious massacres in the conflict. 'Rising generations must build a rampart against the renewal of this tragedy,' the group of several dozen protesters said in a statement calling on the UN, EU and international organizations 'to recognize and condemn the genocide at Khodjaly.'"

More:Azeris call on Europe to condemn Armenian 'genocide' : Europe World
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Press TV - Turks: Hijab symbol of religious identity

"Turks: Hijab symbol of religious identity
Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:13:10
Most Turkish women who wear a headscarf believe it is a symbol of their religious identity and an obligation, a poll indicates."

More:Press TV - Turks: Hijab symbol of religious identity
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Talking to Turkey's Kurds - The Boston Globe

"Talking to Turkey's Kurds
By Aliza Marcus and Andrew Apostolou
February 26, 2008

THE CRISIS between Turkey and Iraq, with the United States playing the uneasy role of mediator and friend to both, has escalated with the Turkish land operation launched Feb. 22. Following last fall's spate of attacks inside Turkey by the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, the Bush administration gave Turkey intelligence to facilitate air strikes against key PKK bases in remote Iraqi Kurdish mountains. Washington hoped this would prevent any Turkish military offensive inside Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq's most stable region and the PKK's unwilling host. This policy has clearly failed."

More:Talking to Turkey's Kurds - The Boston Globe
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Turkey's Iraq war - The Boston Globe

"Turkey's Iraq war
February 26, 2008

TURKEY'S current military offensive inside northern Iraq has touched off a crisis - one to which several other players in the region have contributed. Although the ultimate responsibility for ending this crisis falls on Turkey, all of the others, including the United States, must do their part to prevent a larger regional conflagration."

More:Turkey's Iraq war - The Boston Globe
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Suzan Sabanci Dincer Proves Turkey's Answer to Customer's Man

"Suzan Sabanci Dincer Proves Turkey's Answer to Customer's Man

By Ben Holland

Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Suzan Sabanci Dincer was an 8-year- old schoolgirl when she began visiting the main office of her family's bank, Akbank TAS, during summer vacations. In the 1970s, she befriended Medeni Berk, Akbank's chief executive officer at the time."

More:Bloomberg.com: Europe
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Trend News : Meeting of Turkic Speaking Countries Parliament Chairmen to be Held

"Meeting of Turkic Speaking Countries Parliament Chairmen to be Held
26.02.08 10:35

Azerbaijan, Baku, 25 February / Trend News corr. I.Alizadeh / The next Turkic speaking countries meeting is expected to held in Ankara at the end of May.

“ Turkey proposes to meet by Parliament chairmen at the end of May. At present, the exact date of the meeting is being specified through diplomatic channels,” Parliament reported to Trend News."

More:Trend News : Meeting of Turkic Speaking Countries Parliament Chairmen to be Held
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In Turkey, Students Test a New Policy on Head Scarves - washingtonpost.com

"In Turkey, Students Test a New Policy on Head Scarves

By Ellen Knickmeyer
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, February 26, 2008; Page A10

ISTANBUL, Feb. 25 -- One of the agents of Turkey's cultural transformation stood, 5 feet tall and less than 100 pounds, at the gate of Istanbul Bilgi University on Monday, a flying wedge of social change in a fuzzy purple winter coat, brown hiking boots and a black wool scarf wrapped around her head. "

More:In Turkey, Students Test a New Policy on Head Scarves - washingtonpost.com
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US: Turkey should take account of Iraqi Kurdish civilian concerns

"US: Turkey should take account of Iraqi Kurdish civilian concerns

The New Anatolian / Ankara
26 February 2008

U.S. Department of State said Monday during the military operation in the north of Iraq, Turkey should continue with its stated policy to minimize the impact and take very serious account of the concerns of civilian populations in the area."

More:The New Anatolian
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Iraq calls on U.S. to intervene in Turkish incursion - Los Angeles Times

"Iraq calls on U.S. to intervene in Turkish incursion

The fighting between its ally and a Kurdish separatist group it considers a terrorist organization puts the Bush administration in a bind. 'They could do more,' an Iraqi official says.
By Asso Ahmed and Tina Susman, Special to The Times
February 26, 2008
SHILADEZAH, IRAQ -- Artillery and gunfire echoed through the mountains of northern Iraq on Monday during continued clashes between invading Turkish troops and Kurdish rebels, with Turkey saying that 153 guerrillas had been killed in four days."

More:Iraq calls on U.S. to intervene in Turkish incursion - Los Angeles Times
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Can Turkish economy survive high energy prices?

"Can Turkish economy survive high energy prices?
Consumption; Demand; PricesGuest writes:

One of the test beds of peak oil, or supply constraints, is Turkey. The country is not gifted with many hydrocarbon reserves and faces a decline in its oil production. The rising thirst of energy for this developing country relies on exports from close countries. Natural gas, which is not peaking soon, is also a twin brother of oil in terms of pricing of the contracts, yet Turkey has no chance on this front either."

More:Peak Oil News >> Consumption; Demand; Prices >> Can Turkish economy survive high energy prices?
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Turkish troops and PKK battle for 5th day in N.Iraq - swissinfo

"Turkish troops and PKK battle for 5th day in N.Iraq
Turkish army commando

By Paul de Bendern

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish forces fought Kurdish guerrillas at close quarters as they advanced on a key PKK base in northern Iraq on Monday, and Baghdad warned a prolonged incursion could have serious consequences for the region"

More:Turkish troops and PKK battle for 5th day in N.Iraq - swissinfo
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Turkish foreign real estate spending tops $10 bln in 5 years

"Turkish foreign real estate spending tops $10 bln in 5 years

26 Feb 2008
In the five-year period from 2003 through 2007 the value of real estate purchases by foreign interests in Turkey was approximately $10 billion, recent Undersecretariat of the Treasury figures have shown."

More:www.bbj.hu :: Turkish foreign real estate spending tops $10 bln in 5 years
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Travel Biz Monitor :: Turkey to open tourist office in India

"Turkey to open tourist office in India
By Arti Saggi - New Delhi
After deliberating about an India office for almost a year, Turkey has finally confirmed its plan to open a dedicated National Tourist Office (NTO) in India in the next two months. The office is scheduled to come up in Chanakya Puri, New Delhi. It is, currently, scouting for a suitable location in the area."

More:Travel Biz Monitor :: Turkey to open tourist office in India
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IOL: 'Turkish offensive could spark unrest'

"'Turkish offensive could spark unrest'

February 26 2008 at 12:04PM

Baghdad - Turkey's incursion into northern Iraq - its second in three months - threatens to trigger regional turmoil and destabilise the only peaceful area in the country since the fall of Saddam Hussein."

More:IOL: 'Turkish offensive could spark unrest'
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U.S. Knew of Turkey's Plan To Hit PKK, Didn't Object

"U.S. Knew of Turkey's Plan To Hit PKK, Didn't Object
By Yochi J. Dreazen
Word Count: 649

WASHINGTON -- The Turkish government briefed the Bush administration about its plans to strike northern Iraq well in advance of launching the controversial operation and the U.S. raised no objections, according to American and Turkish officials."

More(Subscription rqd):Free Preview - WSJ.com
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