Fevziye Manizade <alifev@hotmail.com> wrote:
To: South Florida Turks Turks <sflturks@yahoogroups.com>
From: Fevziye Manizade <alifev@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 15:59:33 -0500
Subject: [SFLTURKS] FW: White House Spoke Person`dan mesaj
Q Turkey says that it has completed its military mission in northern Iraq and brought its troops back home. U.S. reaction? Do you have the impression they'll do it quickly?MR. JOHNDROE: We've seen those reports that are just coming out. I think there's one thing that remains clear, and that is the United States, Turkey and Iraq all will continue to view the PKK as a terrorist organization that needs to be dealt with. So we will continue to have cooperation with them on dealing with that organization. I don't think there's anything else to add at this point.Q Well, I mean, do you think that they completed it in the timely manner that Secretary Gates had requested?MR. JOHNDROE: Yes, I think you heard the President address this yesterday. It was a targeted and relatively short operation, but I would certainly expect that in the future, that unless the PKK gives up terrorism, that we're going to have to continue to work with the Turks and the Iraqis to go after them.Q So you expect there will be more --MR. JOHNDROE: No, I would just say that we'll continue to have to deal with the PKK in the future.
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Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director
Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
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