29 Şubat 2008 Cuma

[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Doctorate of Education (EdD) at Fielding Graduate University

Subject: Doctorate of Education (EdD) at Fielding Graduate University
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:06:10 -0800
From: "Violet Hatipoglu" <vhatipoglu@fielding.edu>
To: <turquiamia2@yahoo.com>

Dear Ms. Karaoglu:

I've been on your Turkish Americans In Southern California (Turquiamia2) Yahoo group for quite some years now; I have seen many posting on various subjects and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to share this email with the Turkish-American community? You see, I'm an admission counselor for a Fielding Graduate University. Our school allows mid-career professionals to pursue their doctorate in a self-paced environment, while studying online with a few face-to-face meetings. Our faculty are wonderful and organized to work with the student from day one.

While we have three doctoral programs, Human & Organization Development (HOD); Psychology (PSY); I specifically work with the School of Educational Leadership & Change (ELC). We offer an EdD to students wanting to level up in their career to become instructors at college-level, or who wish to become consultants or change agents for and within their communities; or those individuals seeking greater goals in education.

There is so much more to talk about our program, but in the meantime, I was hoping if you would be able to distribute my emails below to your lists to spread word about our doctoral program in education. I have (below) my email in Turkish and English.

If you are able to pass it along, I would truly appreciate it.

Violetta Hatipoglu

Ben  Violetta Hatipoglu ve   Egitimsel Liderlik & Degisim (ELC) okulunun  Kabul danismaniyim. Kendimi tanitmak  istiyorum   ve programla  ilgili akliniza  gelebilecek herturlu soruyu  hic cekinmeden bana sorabilirsiniz  .
Bu bilgilendirici emaili EdD programini ayrintilariyla  sorulariniza yardimci olabilmek icin hazirladim. Her durumda daha fazla  bilgi icin  bu numarayi arayabilir  (800.340.1099 ext.4020) yada  bana email atabilirsiniz (vhatipoglu@fielding.edu).
 Self-paced(kendin ilerledigin) EdDprogrami ,profesyonel olarak calisanlara ve  hatta  tum gun evde olan  ebeveynlere  gore dizayn edilmis  dagitik ogrenme  doktora programidir. Hazirlanmis bir  sinif  yada sinif programi yoktur. Kendinize uygun tek basina  yada  bir esle ve  fakulte  kaynaklarini kullanarak arzu ettiginiz sekilde bir program seciyorsunuz. Sadece bir tane  residency requirement (konaklama sarti) vardir  ve bunun yaninda opsiyonel  face-to-face opportunities (yuzyuze gorusme) firsatlari vardir.Fakulte  ve ogrencilerin  aylik  regional Cluster Meetings (bolgesel birayagelme toplantilari), yilda iki kez  Bolgesel  Arastirma  Intesifleri ve yillik  National Session (Ulusal toplantisi)vardir.
Programin tek konaklama sarti  New Student Orientation (NSO) yeni ogrenci oryantasyonu  denilen 4 gunluk yogun  oturumlardir.  Yilda 3 kez(NSO)firsatlari vardir: Ilkbahar donemi icin (Subat sonu); Yaz donemi icin (Haziran sonu); Guz donemi icin (Ekim basi). Kesin tarih ve  yerler her yil degisebilir, ancak web sitemizden en son  guncel tarih ve yerleri control edebilirsiniz c NSO dates and locations.
Her yeni ogrenci kredi transferi uygunluguna basvurabilir.Lutfen  basvuru kurallarina  bakin, uygun formlari yukleyin veELC Admission Counselor (ELC Kabul Danismanina)gozden gecirmeleri icin teslim edin.
Programin  yillik ucreti 2007 Guz itibariyle $17,640 dir . Yil boyunca alabildiginiz kadar  KA alabilirsiniz. Ogrenci Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) eristigi anda ucret 30% kesilecektir.  ATC ulasan ogrenciler 8 KA dan 6 sini tamamlamis ,tamamen  gecmis ve  tez  basvurusu kabul edilmis olmalidir  .
Ogrenci kredileri Student loans ve diger finansal yardimlar U.S. vatandaslarina bulunmaktadir. Ayrica  burs  websitemizde  cesitli ic  ve dis  fonlarinin listesini bulablirsiniz scholarship webpage.
NSO nu  bitiren ogrenciler  hemen fakulte elemanlariyla  birlikte 8KA lari tamamlamak icin calismaya baslarlar. Her 10 unitelik KAtamamlamak genel olarak  3 ay surer ve   Overview(genel aciklama), In-Depth (derinlemesine)and Applied(uygulamali) bolumlerinden olusur.
ü                               NSO/Learning Plan                                  3 units
ü                               Comprehensive Assessment                 credit
ü                               Dissertation Project                                  18 units
TOTAL                                                        101 units
 EdD mufredati lider , degisim acentasi ve  ilgi alaninda  bireysellestirilmis uzman pretisyeni olabilmeyi saglarken diger taraftan ,ogrenciler asagidaki diger  seceneklerden birine de odaklanabilirler :
§                                 Community College Leadership & Change
§                                 Media Studies
§                                 Leadership of Higher Education Systems
ü       Universite  veya dengi okullarindan lisans veya  yuksek lisans  derecesi
ü       Mukemmel  derecede Ingilizce(yazma ve okuma)
ü       Doktora seviyesinde calismalari tamamlayabilecek  yetenegi sunma
ü       Online basvuru Apply Online!
 EdD Programi   duzenli temele dayanarak bilgi oturumlari  Information Sessions sunmaktadir . Lutfen  Dekan Yardimci Michael Suarez PhD tarafindan evsahipligi yapilan  duzenli  telekonferans veya yuzyuze oturumlarimiza katiliniz teleconference or face-to-face sessions
Lutfen bir sorunuz oldugunda bana ulasin . Elimden geldigince  size yardim etmekten mutluluk  duyarim.
Violetta Hatipoglu | Admission Counselor, ELC
Fielding Graduate University
Quality - Flexibility - Community

2112 Santa Barbara Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105 - USA
Direct 805.898.4020  | Fax 805.898.4120
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
My name is Violetta Hatipoglu and I am the Admission Counselor for the School of Educational Leadership & Change (ELC). I wanted to introduce myself and let you know that if you should come across any questions about our program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I have created this informational email to provide you with specs on our EdD program that could help to answer any questions you might have. In any case, feel free to call (800.340.1099 ext.4020) or email me (vhatipoglu@fielding.edu) anytime for more information.
The EdD program is a self-paced, Distributed Learning model doctoral program designed for working professionals and even full time parents. There are no classrooms and no set class schedule. You choose on your own how you would like to work independently or use peer and faculty resources. There is only one residency requirement and optional face-to-face opportunities. There are monthly regional Cluster Meetings of faculty and students, bi-annual Regional Research Intensives and an annual National Session.
The only residency requirement for the program is a four-day intensive session called the New Student Orientation (NSO). There are 3 NSO opportunities each year: Spring (Late February); Summer (Late June); Fall (Early October). Exact dates and locations vary from year to year, but you can check our website for current NSO dates and locations.
Any incoming students are allowed to apply for eligibility of transfer credit. Please visit the Policy Bulletin, download the proper forms and submit to the ELC Admission Counselor for review, and/or if you have any questions.
The program's annual tuition rate will be $17,640 as of fall 2007. You are allowed to take as many KAs as you would like during the year. Tuition is cut by 30% once a student reaches Advancement to Candidacy (ATC). Students reach ATC once they've completed 6 of 8 KAs, passed their comps, and have their dissertation proposal accepted.
Student loans and other forms of Financial Aid are available to U.S. citizens. You can also find a listing of various internal and external funding sources on our website's scholarship webpage.
Once students complete the NSO they immediately begin working with faculty members to complete 8 KAs.  Each 10-unit KA typically takes 3 months to complete and consists of an Overview, In-Depth and Applied section.
ü                               NSO/Learning Plan                                  3 units
ü                               Comprehensive Assessment                 credit
ü                               Dissertation Project                                  18 units
TOTAL                                                        101 units
The EdD curriculum provides the tools to become a leader, change agent and scholar-practitioner in an individualized area of interest, or students may choose one of the optional concentrations in:
§                                 Community College Leadership & Change
§                                 Media Studies
§                                 Leadership of Higher Education Systems
ü       A bachelor's or master's degree from an accredited college or university
ü       Excellent English reading and writing skills
ü       Evidence of ability to complete doctorate level work
ü       Apply Online!
The EdD Program offers Information Sessions on a regular basis. Please join one of our regularly held teleconference or face-to-face sessions hosted by Associate Dean Michael Suarez, PhD.  
Please contact me with any questions. I will be happy to assist you in any way possible.
Best regards,
Violetta Hatipoglu | Admission Counselor, ELC
Fielding Graduate University
Quality - Flexibility - Community

2112 Santa Barbara Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105 - USA
Direct 805.898.4020  | Fax 805.898.4120

Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director
Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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