17 Nisan 2008 Perşembe

[Daughters_of_Ataturk] Suheyla Gencsoy

Sayin Mahmut Esat Ozan'in kuzeni merhume Suheyla Gencsoy icin yazip, bugun yapilan cenazesinde okudugu siiri sizlerle paylasmak istiyorum.
Suheyla hanim cok ozel bir kisiydi, mekani cennet olsun.


Mahmut Esat Ozan


How can one describe her?

To what do her features refer?

Is she the svelte, willowy beauty

The poster-girl of democracy?

Is she the dashing designer of fashion

Who vexed the aristocracy?


Is she the elite diva?

Adored by her followers?

Is she the dainty petals

Of exotic flowers


Is she the one who lives up

To her beautiful name ?

As the brightest star

Of  Psidia's fame?


Is she  a descendent?

Of that Antiochian  kingdom

Conquered by Turks

From their Christendom 


Is she the tenant dweller

Of the  fragrant heavenly grove ?

Or the favored houri

Hidden  in a treasure trove? 


Is she the stellar-elect

Crème de la crème essence

Of her own  nobility's

Living in quintessence?


Who is she then?

How does one illustrate her?

A potentate of a far away land

Or simply a  President ? 


She happens to be all of those

And at the same time none of them.

She's not a goddess, not a sorceress

Nor even Queen Nefertiti

Just womanhood's emblem 


She's the one who has

That "Je  ne sais quoi"

She's got that hot incandescence

Of  couturieres  par excellence. 


She's the subject of an etude

On her guileless pulchritude

She's got that spice of life

More than meets the eye


Alas! Who is she?  

She is, who she has been

And who will always be

As the French say "Oh la, la."

She's none other than just SUHEYLA.



Composed on Nov.3, 2005-Miami Lakes, FL.


Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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