Ben 2 sene once San Diego'dan Istanbul'a geri dondum ve simdi de yeni baslamis olan
sivil toplum organizasyonunun Bahcelievler ilcesi temsilcisiyim.
Bizkackisiyiz artik il il, mahalle mahalle, koy koy organize oluyor ve somut sonuclar doguracak projeler gelistirmeyi hedefliyor.
Suanda web sitemizde 1milyon 200bin uyemiz var. Tamami vatansever, Ataturk ve Cumhuriyet cocuklarý bu sayi her gecen dakika daha da artiyor.
Organizasyonumuz tum ADDler ve Cagdas Yasami Destekleme dernekleri tarafindan desteklenmekte.
Simdiye kadar yapilmamis olani ve tum uyelerimizin de dedigi gibi gec kalinmis olani yapiyoruz.
Almanya'da da variz ve simdi Amerika'da da olmak istiyoruz..
Site yoneticilerimizden birisi benden Amerika'da gonullu olarak calisacak ve Amerika bizkackisiyiz grubunun temsilcileri olabilecek kisilerle e-mail yoluyla gorusmek istiyor.
(Eyaletlere gore farkli kisiler olabilir)
Eger siz de bir damla olmak istiyorsaniz lutfen bana yazin. Unutmayinki damlalar okyanuslari olusturur!
Bana her turlu sorunuzla ilgili yazabilirsiniz.
Istanbuldan sevgiler,
Gonca Delipinar.
Sema Karaoglu <> wrote:
Sema Karaoglu <> wrote:
ATAA <> wrote:Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 11:23:44 -0500 (EST)
From: ATAA <>
To: daughters_of_ataturk@yahoo. com
Subject: Movie Screening: STOLEN EYES
HasNa and ATA-DC Present
Otkradnati Ochi / Çalinti GozlerSunday, March 2, 2008 - 8:00 pmThe Avalon Theater5612 Connecticut Ave. NWWashington, DC 20015Tickets: $15Proceeds from the tickets will go to support HasNa and ATA-DC programs. To buy tickets online visit: and check under current events on the right. For questions email: . A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.This is the story of a strange, impossible, inexplicable love between a Turkish woman and a Bulgarian man. Ivan is a pure and romantic young fellow, who gets caught up in the so-called ?regeneration process? [when ethnic Turks? names were forcibly changed to Bulgarian ones]. He is responsible for the official seals, which are required to issue the new identity documents after the forced name changes. The schoolteacher Ayten tries to steal the seals to stop this. Their unexpected and unusual meeting brings these two characters together and makes them feel close, forcing Ivan to make a fateful decision. He must either rename Ayten, or face the consequences if he does not. They gradually overcome their animosity, accept their differences and draw towards each other. But will the people around them accept their choice? Screenwriter Neri Terzieva says: "The most important thing in the film is their love, which endures despite the societal cataclysms brought about by the misguided decisions of the state authorities and politicians. Our desire in making this film was to heal the wound, not to open it back up."Festivals and Awards
2006 Bergamo Film Meeting (Italy):Silver Rosa Camuna, The Audience Award2006 Wuerzburg International Film Weekend (Germany):The Audience Award
2006 Monte Carlo Television Festival (Monaco):The Monaco Red Cross Award
2006 MedFilm Festival (Italy):Eurimages Award
2006 Palm Springs International Film Festival (U.S.A.):Oscar Buzz
2006 Bangkok International Film Festival (Thailand):International Competition
2006 Montpelier International Mediterranean Film Festival (France):Official Selection, Panorama
2005 Sofia International Film Festival (Bulgaria):Kodak Award for Best Bulgarian Feature Film
2005 Moscow International Film Festival (Russia):Best Actress (Vessela Kazakova)
2005 Palic International Film Festival (Serbia and Montenegro):The Audience Award
2005 Love Is Folly International Film Festival (Bulgaria):Bitter Cup Award
2005 Cottbus Film Festival (Germany):Dialog Award for Intercultural Communication
2005 London Film Festival (U.K.):European Cinema
2005 Seville Festival De Cine (Spain):Eurimages Section
About ATAA
The objective of the Assembly is to coordinate the activities of member Turkish American associations and individual members of the Assembly for the purpose of presenting a more balanced view of Turkey and of the Turkish people, and emphasizing the importance of enhanced understanding between Turkey and the United States.ATAA is a fast-growing umbrella organization of Turkish American associations throughout the United States, Canada and Turkey, dedicated to pursuing the interests of Turkish Americans and friends of Turkey in Washington and beyond.To learn more, click here.
Membership By becoming a member you will be part of a network of Turkish-Americans and friends of Turkey who care about the historic relationship between the two peoples and who are aware of the crucial role each one of us plays in strengthening the relationship and promoting an accurate and fair picture of Turkey and Turks.To join ATAA, click here.
This email was sent to daughters_of_ataturk@yahoo. com, by assembly@ataa. org
Assembly of Turkish American Associations | 1526 18th St. NW | Washington | DC | 20036![]()
Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director
Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.
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Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director
Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.
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