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Dear Reader, We are entering the fifth year of this horrible war on Iraq. To make change, we need to take matters into our own hands. One powerful opportunity to protest Bush's war and the companies that aid his illegal wiretapping, like AT&T and Verizon, is to consider CREDO. CREDO Mobile gives one percent of every dollar - $60 million overall - to progressive causes like AlterNet. They even buy out your existing wireless contract so you can afford to switch your mobile phone service. They are serious about making change happen.
 Don Hazen Executive Editor,
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 |  |  | Five years ago, as I marched to protest a U.S. attack on Iraq, I did not imagine that our troops would still be there today, with the death toll rising, a country destroyed and our treasury leaking billions per month.
But now, after another anniversary of this disaster, I'm as determined as ever to do what I can to stop it. And by switching mobile providers, you can help stop it too.
I'm Michael Kieschnick, cofounder of CREDO Mobile, the only mobile phone company in America that has worked actively to end the Iraq war since its start. We've donated over $2 million to nonprofits supporting peace. We've marched in protests, organized meetings with elected officials and raised money for antiwar groups. And we'll continue to do those things. Where do those other phone companies stand on Iraq? AT&T® and Verizon® give millions to pro-war politicians who support the war. The two companies combined make hundreds of millions of dollars a year in defense contracts. Some may describe these phone companies as pro-war. And their number one customer might just be the White House.
Take a look and see how we stack up. Where does your phone company stand on.... | CREDO Mobile | AT&T | Verizon | the war in Iraq: | We've opposed the war from the start and donated over $2 million to nonprofits supporting peace, such as: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, CodePink and the Ruckus Society. | Contributes more money to political campaigns than almost any other company - mostly to pro-war politicians who supported the war. | More than half a billion dollars in defense-related revenue in 2007. | spying on Americans: | We donate to the ACLU to stop warrantless wiretapping. | Widely reported to have aided the Bush administration's warrantless spying on American citizens. | your freedom of speech: | We support First Amendment defenders like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, ACLU and Democracy Now. | Fighting for the right to block internet content it doesn't approve of. | Blocked text messages from NARAL Pro-Choice America (until forced to allow them). | The choice is clear. If you have a cellphone from AT&T or Verizon, you can keep sending them your money and supporting them - and Bush. Or you can join CREDO Mobile.
Please think about joining CREDO Mobile, a phone company you can be proud of. Click here to learn more or call 877.76.CREDO (877.762.7336) to talk to someone right now about making the switch. Mention code 556090 so they'll know I sent you.
CREDO Mobile is brought to you by your friends at Working Assets. We're the only phone company as committed as you are to ending the Iraq war.
Sincerely, Michael Kieschnick Cofounder and President CREDO Mobile and Working Assets
P.S. In case you're wondering, with CREDO Mobile you'll get the same quality coverage, phones and plans you enjoy from any major provider.
Click here to learn more about our special offer: we'll buy out your current contract (up to $200) and we'll give you a FREE Samsung M300 camera phone.*
|  |  | |  |  |  | *All with a two-year CREDO Mobile service agreement. Offer subject to credit qualification. Contract buyout: We'll credit your CREDO Mobile account (up to $200) 30 days after we receive a copy of your prior carrier's termination fee charges; details to follow by mail. Offer only available to new CREDO Mobile customers. | | | | | |
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