1 Mart 2008 Cumartesi

[Daughters_of_Ataturk] File - FAQ

Degerli DofA uyeleri/ Valuable DofA members,

Hergun mesaj yogunlugundan sikayetci olan uyelerimize bir bir ayni seyleri izah etmek zor oldugu icin bu genel mesaji yaziyoruz, ve lutfen sonuna kadar okuyup, gerekli islemleri yapmanizi onemle rica ediyoruz.
As it is very difficult to explain the same thing one by one to our members who complain about the high volume email traffic everyday, we are writing this general message which we ask you to please read carefully till the end, and take the necessary actions accordingly.

Bu mesaji ileride bilgi icin kullanabilmek acisindan basmak isteyebilirsiniz.
You may wish to print this email for future reference.

Bu grubun bini askin uyesi var.
This group has over 1000 subscribers.

Haliyle mesaj trafigi de yuksek.
Naturally mail traffic is high.

Yahoo sistemi uyelere mesajlari okuyabilmeleri icin 3 secenek veriyor.
Yahoo system gives 3 options to its subscribers for reading the emails.

A) "Bireysel mesajlar" / "Individual Mails"
B) "Gunluk Ozet" / "Daily Digest"
C) "Mesaj yok" / "No Email"

Birinci secenek: "Bireysel mesajlar"
First option is: "Individual Mails"

Bu secenekle gruba atilan her mesaj posta kutunuza gelir.
With this option every email sent to the group comes into your mailbox.

Bu mesaja yanit verirseniz, yanitiniz grubun tum uyelerine dagilir.
If you respond to this email, your response is distributed to all members of the group.

Ikinci secenek: "Gunluk ozet"
Second option: "Daily Digest"

Bu secenekle gruba atilan mesajlar ozet halinde tek bir mesajda posta kutunuza gelir.
With this option, all messages sent to the group comes to your mailbox within one email as a summary.

Bu ozet mesaj icersindeki herhangi bir mesaja yanit verebilirsiniz.
You can respond to any message inside these daily digest emails.

Mesajlar cok oldugunda gunde birden fazla ozet mesaj gelmesi olagandir.
When the email traffic is high, it is possible you receive more than one digest email a day.

Ucuncu secenek: "Mesaj yok"
Third option: "No email"

Bu secenekle posta kutunuza hicbir mesaj gelmez.
With this option you receive no email in your mailbox.

Bu konumda grup mesajlarini internetten okuyabilmek icin bir "YAHOO Kimliginiz" olmasi gerekir.
In this status, in order for you to read the group messages from the web, you would need to have a "YAHOO ID."

Istediginiz mesaja web sitesinden yanit verebilirsiniz.
You can respond to any email through the website.

Yahoo ID almak son derece basit bir islem.
Getting a Yahoo ID is a very simple procedure.

Su linke giderek adim adim yapilmasi gerekeni takip etmeniz yeterli. Adim adim yapilmasi gerekli islemleri bu mesajin en altinda da bulabilirsiniz.
Going to the following link and following the step by step instructions is sufficient.You may find step by step instructions at the end of this email as well.

Yahoo ID alirken illa Yahoo adresi almaniz gerekmiyor. Istediginiz adresle bu kimligi alabilirsiniz.
When getting a Yahoo ID you don't have to get a yahoo email address as well. You can get the ID with whatever email address you want.

Yahoo ID nizi aldiktan sonra uye oldugunuz gruplarla da bagdastirmaniz gerekecek.
After getting the Yahoo ID you will have to match up the ID with the Yahoo groups you subscribe.

Son secenek ozellikle mesajlari okumak isteyip ancak yogun mesaj trafiginden sikayet edenler icin ideal.
The last option is especially ideal for those who wish to read the messages and yet complain about the volume of the messages.

Yahoo ID niz oldugu vakit, konumunuzu kendi kendinize istediginiz an degistirebilirsiniz.
When you have a Yahoo ID you can change your status very easily on your own.

Ornegin tatile cikarken konumunuzu "Mesaj yok" a cevirebilirsiniz..
For example you can change your status to "No email" when going on vacation..

Yahoo ID niz oldugu vakit grubun dosyalar kismina istediginiz zaman girip yuklu dosyalari okuyabilir, bilgisayariniza indirebilirsiniz.
When you have a Yahoo ID, at anytime you can go into the Files section of the group and read or download the uploaded files.

Bir kez Yahoo ID aldiktan sonra uyesi oldugunuz diger gruplarda da ayni statu degisikliklerini yapabilirsiniz.
Once you get your Yahoo ID, you can change your status in all other Yahoo groups you subscribe.

Eger yukaridaki islemlerin hicbirini yapmak istemeyip, DofA dan sadece ozel duyurulari almak istiyorsaniz, o vakit su linke gidip http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DaughtersOfAtaturkAnnouncementsGroup uye olun.
If you do not wish to perform any of the above procedures but still wish to receive only the special announcements from DofA, then please to to the following link and subscribe: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DaughtersOfAtaturkAnnouncementsGroup/
Grup Email Adresleri/ Group Email Addresses
Related Link: http://www.DofA.org

Mesaj asmak icin/Post message: Daughters_of_Ataturk@yahoogroups.com

Uye olmak icin/ Subscribe: Daughters_of_Ataturk-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Uyelikten cikmak icin/ Unsubscribe: Daughters_of_Ataturk-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

Liste sahibine yazmak icin/List owner: Daughters_of_Ataturk-owner@yahoogroups.com

Mesajlari okuyabilmek icin grubun adresi: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Daughters_of_Ataturk/
The address of the group to read messages is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Daughters_of_Ataturk/

Butun bunlar cok basit islemler.
All these are very simple procedures.

Sabir ve anlayisiniz icin tesekkurler.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sema Karaoglu/Meltem Birkegren


a)Once su linke gidin: https://edit.yahoo.com/config/eval_register

b) Cikan formu doldurun ("Alternate email address" hanesine su anda bu gruba uye oldugunuz email adresinizi yazin)

c) Sececeginiz Yahoo kimligi a-z harflerden veya 0-9 arasi numaradan olusabilir. Arada tek bir (.) veya ( _ )isareti olabilir. Eger sectiginiz isim sistemde mevcut ise baska bir isim secmeniz istenebilir.

d) Eger bedava verilen Yahoo email adresi istemiyorsaniz Yahoo!Mail kutusunu bos birakin

e) Islem tamamlandiginda email kutunuza Yahoo dan bir teyid mesaji gelecek ve Yahoo ID nizin islerlik kazanabilmesi icin o mesaji yanitlamaniz istenecek- bunu da yapin

e) Son olarak da uye oldugunuz grup/gruplarla Yahoo ID nizi birbirine baglamaniz gerekiyor ki bunun icin de su adrese gidip talimatlari takip edin: http://groups.yahoo.com/memwiz


a)Go to following link https://edit.yahoo.com/config/eval_register

b) Complete the form (Don't forget to enter the same email address you are subscribed to this group in the "Alternate email address" section)

c) Your Yahoo ID may consist of a-z, 0-9, underscores, and a single dot (.) If the ID you chose already exists in the system, you may have to choose another.

d) If you do not wish to get a free Yahoo email address, uncheck the box Yahoo!Mail.

e) When you finish filling the form, you will receive a confirmation email from Yahoo where they will ask you to confirm, do that

f) As a final step you will have to relate your Yahoo ID with the email group/s you are subscribed to. In order to do this go to the following link & follow the directions. http://groups.yahoo.com/memwiz

Sema Karaoglu, Founder Meltem Birkegren, Director


Daughters of Atat�rk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atat�rk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.
Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:


<*> Your email settings:
Individual Email | Traditional

<*> To change settings online go to:


(Yahoo! ID required)

<*> To change settings via email:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:


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