20 Nisan 2008 Pazar


Turkish Forum'u Ya$atacak Olan




  ABD´nin iran´a olasI bir askeri harekatI konusunu da degerlendiren emekli Tumgeneral Osman Pamukoglu, gundemde olan bu sorunun cok iyi anla$IlmasI gerektigini soyledi. Pamukoglu, $oyle devam etti


:"$imdi iran sorunu var. Bu sorunun cok iyi anla$IlmasI lazIm. Zaman icinde Turkiye´nin de hedef olup olmayacagInI kimse bilemez. ABD, Bulgaristan´a yerle$ti mi? Yerle$ti. Romanya evet. Ukrayna evet. Gurcistan evet. Azerbaycan evet. Ozbekistan evet. Tacikistan evet. Afganistan zaten Arap sacI gibi, bir turlu icerisinden cIkamIyorlar. Oradan Pakistan, oradan da Irak´In tamamI ve Kurdistan derken etrafI kapattIlar. Bir tek biz kaldIk iran´la birlikte. Kaynak, kaynak kaynak. Petrol, petrol, petrol. Bu bolgeden gunde 14 milyon varilin uzerinde petrol gidiyor. Nereye ABD ve Avrupa´ya gidiyor. Bunlar oldugu muddetce, bu kaynaklar bulundugu muddetce sava$ olmu$, cocuklar olmu$, kadInlar olmu$, onlar icin onemli degil. ABD 25-30 yIl daha orada kalacak." 'SabancI Kultur Sitesi´nde gercekle$tirilen konferansdan'


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1-    Cekirdek Harekati


3-    PKK-PJAK //..// ABD'den ikili oyun ;; sinir otesi operasyonlarin ardindan PKK'dan PJAK'a gecen terorist sayisi binlerle ifade ediliyor

4-      PKK orgutu misyonunu tamamladI´

5-     The Evolution of U.S. Turkish Relations in a Transatlantic Context

6-    Turkiyede : 14 ya$Indaki kIz aclIktan oldu

7-    Kaliforniadan sozde soykirimi tanima fermani ; PROCLAMATION

8-    Book Review by Yuksel Oktay : The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, A Disputed Genocide By Guenter Lewy

9-    Osmanli doneminde ermeni teroru konulu konusma stevens universitesinde

10- Discussion with Dr. Guenter Lewy, author of "The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey – A Disputed Genocide"  PAZARTESI

11-                        The Armenian Revolt a documentary film - Springfield Free Public Library  PAZAR GUNU

12- Spekulator Soros destekli TESEV Diyarbakir'da Kurt Konferansi duzenleyecek. "Kurt Sorununa Demokratik Cozum Arayislari" konulu konferansla TESEV, "Kurt sorunu"na cozum arayacak

13-  IRANCleric: Unveiled Women Turn Men into Beasts.

14-                      i$TE SON OSMANLI EVLADI

15-                       Turkiye'nin kIrmIzI cizgileri, MiT Muste$arI Taner'in Barzani ile yaptIgI 'gizli ve tarihi goru$mede' terk edildi


17-                       Usa Armenian Life Magazine- BIZE GONDERILER

           1.  Jabarian's Apr. 18 Column

           2. Armenia: A View From Yerevan;

           3. Ter-Petrossyan: Armenia's No. 1 National Security Threat

           4.  A Public Appeal by Armenian Americans for Stablility In Armenia  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOOVkD5DYxc





    Cekirdek Harekati onemli!!!

    Cok onemli bir kampanya hic bir maliyeti yok ve sayilamýyacak kadar faydasi var.

    Evde yediðimiz meyve cekirdeklerini kiraz,kaysI,erik,karpuz, kavun vb...
    sonbahar aylarinda (cimlenmesi icin yaðmurlarin baslayacagiý mevsimlerde) piknige,
    daga, gezmeye gittiðimiz arazilere topraga gomup uzerine de bir miktar su dokersek
    bunlarin bir kismi tutacak ve doganin dengesinin korunmasinda yarar saglayacak.

    Sebzelerde oldugu gibi, yakinda meyve lerde de hibrit tohumlar yayginlasinca,
    cekirdekten aðac yetisme  imkani ortadan kalkacak.Bu nedenle elimizi cabuk tutup ulke
   sathina ne kadar ekebilirsek o kadar yararl,i oluruz.Bu kampanyayi yuruten Tema vakfina tesekkurler. ( HIKMET ERSOY)



May 1st, 2008 Thursday/Persembe

at 07.00 -  09.15 am (Newyork Saati )

at 14.00 -  016.15  (istanbul Saati) on

NBC Today Show

 "Where in the world" 

by Matt Lauer 









From: Nihat Canikli [mailto:ncanikli@gmail.com]

ABD'den ikili oyun

Basbakan Recep Tayyip Erdogan' in 5 Kasim 2007'de Beyaz Saray'daki ABD Baskani George Bush'la gorusmesinden "PKK'ya karsi mucadelede isbirligi ve istihbarat paylasimi" karari cikmisti. Ust duzey ikili gorusmenin hemen ardindan ABD'li gizli servis elemanlarinin Kandil Dagi'na giderek PKK'li teroristlerle masaya oturdugu ortaya cikti.

Kandil Dagi'ndaki terorist elebaslarinin yani sira Erbil ve Suleymaniye'deki kamplarla da iletisime gecen ABD'liler, temaslari sirasinda " Ya Turkiye'nin hedefi durumuna gelirsiniz ya da PJAK'a (PKK'nin Iran'daki kolu) katilarak bizim yanimizda yer alir ve Iran'a karsi savasirsiniz" onerilerini sundu.

Ozellikle sinir otesi operasyonlarin ardindan PKK'dan PJAK'a gecen terorist sayisi binlerle ifade ediliyor.


Bu arada, onceki gun 1 askerimizi sehit eden terorist grupla dun sicak temas saglandi. Sirnak-Siirt ve Hakkari ucgenindeki Bestler Dereler bolgesinde catisma sonrasi takibe alinan ve derin vadilerin arasindaki bir magarada olduklari tespit edilen teroristlere once "teslim ol" cagrisi yapildi. Ancak teroristler bu cagriya ates ederek karsilik verdi. Bolgeye sevkedilen Kobra tipi helikopterler teroristlerin bulundugu magara ve cevresine bomba yagdirdi. Teroristlerin kacma ihtimali bulunan bolgeler de tutuldu. Cukurca Haskel daglarinda da bir grup terorist cembere alindi.



Kaynak: Ay Gazete


´PKK orgutu misyonunu tamamladI´

19.04.2008 - 23:17


     Kayseri´de universiteli ogrencilere konferans veren emekli Tumgeneral Osman Pamukoglu, teror orgutu PKK´nIn siyasi misyonunu tamamladIgInI soyledi. Orgutun amacInIn bagImsIz bir Kurt devleti oldugunu belirten Pamukoglu, "Bunu Turkiye´de ba$aramasalar da Kuzey Irak´ta gercekle$tirmi$lerdir" dedi. Pamukoglu, Ortadogu ve Asya´da petrol ve zengin dogal kaynaklar cIkmaya devam ettikce ABD´nin buralardan cIkmayacagInI da soyledi.

     Erciyes Üniversitesi in$aat Kulubu tarafIndan SabancI Kultur Sitesi´nde duzenlenen `Turkiye ve Teror´ konulu konferansa konu$macI olarak katIlan emekli Tumgeneral Osman Pamukoglu, 25 yIldIr suren Turkiye´nin PKK teror orgutu ile mucadelesine degindi. Pamukoglu $unlarI soyledi:

     "PKK ile ilgili konu$ulacak ve yapIlacak bir $ey kalmamI$tIr. Teror orgutu PKK siyasi bir orguttur ve misyonunu tamamlamI$tIr. AmacI bagImsIz bir Kurt devleti kurulmasI ve siyasi orgutlenme olan PKK´nIn, nihai anlamda Turkiye topraklarInda devlet kurma amacI gercekle$memi$tir, ama Kuzey Irak´ta Kurt devleti olu$turulmu$tur. Yani, siyasi gaye gercekle$mi$tir."

     ABD´nin iran´a olasI bir askeri harekatI konusunu da degerlendiren Pamukoglu, gundemde olan bu sorunun cok iyi anla$IlmasI gerektigini soyledi. Pamukoglu, $oyle devam etti:

     "$imdi iran sorunu var. Bu sorunun cok iyi anla$IlmasI lazIm. Zaman icinde Turkiye´nin de hedef olup olmayacagInI kimse bilemez. ABD, Bulgaristan´a yerle$ti mi? Yerle$ti. Romanya evet. Ukrayna evet. Gurcistan evet. Azerbaycan evet. Ozbekistan evet. Tacikistan evet. Afganistan zaten Arap sacI gibi, bir turlu icerisinden cIkamIyorlar. Oradan Pakistan, oradan da Irak´In tamamI ve Kurdistan derken etrafI kapattIlar. Bir tek biz kaldIk iran´la birlikte. Kaynak, kaynak kaynak. Petrol, petrol, petrol. Bu bolgeden gunde 14 milyon varilin uzerinde petrol gidiyor. Nereye ABD ve Avrupa´ya gidiyor. Bunlar oldugu muddetce, bu kaynaklar bulundugu muddetce sava$ olmu$, cocuklar olmu$, kadInlar olmu$, onlar icin onemli degil. ABD 25-30 yIl daha orada kalacak."

     SabancI Kultur Sitesi´nde gercekle$tirilen konferansI cok sayIda ogrenci ve ogretim gorevlisi dinledi.



From: Nihat Canikli [mailto:ncanikli@gmail.com]


The Evolution of U.S. Turkish Relations in a Transatlantic Context

Edited by Dr. Frances G. Burwell.

The Evolution of U.S. Turkish ... Cover Image

Added April 14, 2008

Type: Book

123 Pages

File Size: 493KB

Download Time: 3 Minute(s) on dial-up

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The relationship between Turkey and the United States is complicated because of differing core purposes and somewhat differing memberships, i.e., NATO and the European Union. Current Turkey-U.S. diplomatic and military relations are strained, but both countries recognize how vital it is to address issues of mutual importance. In mid-2007 the Atlantic Council, Strategic Studies Institute, and German Marshall Fund of the United States jointly organized a conference to discuss the current state of U.S.-Turkish-EU ties and to consider how those relations might be repaired and enhanced. This conference report provides an overview of the enduring issues that must be addressed if Turkey-U.S. relations are to move beyond current roadblocks and begin to realize their full potential. Since this conference took place, the political environment in Turkey has changed, and several of the issues, such as the use of Iraq as a staging area by Kurdish insurgents, have continued to evolve. Such dynamics reveal the importance of the ideas surfaced in each of the conference presentations and the need to continue addressing the issues identified.





From: Nilufer Arat [nilvera@gmail.com]

14 ya$Indaki kIz aclIktan oldu


Boylesine bir acIyI degil ya$amak bunu ogrenmek bile insanIn icini cayIr cayIr yakIyor. Bu haberi okuyan hangi ana baba, hangi insan evladInIn yedigi lokmalar bogazIna takIlmadan midesine inecek? O Bush oglu Bush ve benzeri sermaye u$aklarI dunyayI bir avuc para babasInIn hizmetine sunmaya ugra$Irken bildiklerimiz ve duyduklarImIz dI$Inda kimbilir daha nice masum insanlar sessiz sedasIz bu acgozlu pisliklerin kurbanI oluyor?


Bu acI, yalnIz o ana babanIn degil bunu ogrenen tum ana babalarIn acIsI! Mutlaka insan olan herkes kendini koymu$tur o ana babanIn yerine. AclIk ve uzantIsInda gelen dalgInlIk sonucu bir trafik kazasI. Bu ne bicim bir trajedi? AslInda sozun bittigi bir nokta bu! Sozun bittigi, isyanIn, ofkenin buyudugu bu noktada hIckIra hIckIra aglanIr ancak!!!



--------- Forwarded message ----------

19 Nisan 2008

14 ya$Indaki kIz aclIktan oldu

Kucuk Sercan, okul donu$u aclIgIn verdigi dalgInlIkla otomobilin altInda kaldI.

OrganlarIyla 6 ki$iye hayat veren Sercan'In olumunun ardInda bir dram cIktI. Ailenin arka arkaya uc gun ac yattIklarI olmu$..

izmir Buca'da oturan 14 ya$Indaki Sercan Bodruk, gectigimiz hafta Buca Ataturk ilkogretim Okulu'ndan cIktIktan sonra, kar$Idan kar$Iya gecmek isterken hIzla gelen bir otomobilin altInda kaldI. Talihsiz kIz 6 gun suren ya$am sava$InI kaybedince, ailesi organlarInI bagI$ladI.


Ancak kucuk Sercan'In olumunun ardIndan buyuk bir dram cIktI. Annesi Durdu Doruk, in$aat i$cisi olan e$i Himmet Bodruk'un duzenli i$ bulamamasI nedeniyle, bazen gunlerce evlerine yiyecek girmedigini soyleyerek, "Ak$am evde kalan son unla bir ekmek yapmI$tIm. KIzIm ak$am yemegi olarak, uzerine margarin surdugu 1 dilim ekmek ve bir domates yemi$ti. Sabah bir dilim ekmegimiz dahi kalmamI$tI. SabahcI olan kIzImI, ak$am geldiginde yine 'margarinli ekmek hazIrlama sozu' vererek, ac ac okula gonderdim. KIzIm da yoldan kar$Iya gecerken, aclIgIn neden oldugu dalgInlIkla minibusun altInda kalmI$ olabilir" dedi.


Polis olup ailesine bakmak isteyen Sercan'In babasI Himmet Borduk da, bir haftayI 1 tencere bulgur pilavIyla gecirdikleri ve 3 gece arka arkaya ac yattIklarI gunler oldugunu anlatarak, "KIzIm her sofraya oturu$umuzda, 'Bizim ne zaman ekmegimiz, suyumuz, yemegimiz ve salatamIz bir arada olacak? derdi" diye konu$tu.





From Ilkcan Cokgor [cokgor@yahoo.com]


California senatosunda ne olup bittigini hatirlatmak icin gonderiyorum:



Every April, we take time to commemorate the lives of those forever devastated by the Armenian Genocide. Between 1915 and 1923, more than one million Armenians were killed in the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and countless more lost everything they owned. Intellects and store owners, children and seniors, men and women, people from all walks of life were victims of these horrific acts. Often listed as the first genocide of the twentieth century, these events had a life-altering impact on many, and stimulated an Armenian Diaspora.

California has ensured that those lost and affected by this tragedy will not be forgotten. In 2006, I signed Assembly Bill 1210, authored by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, to allow construction of a memorial for California's survivors in Capitol Park. Additionally, in 2005, I signed Senate Bill 424 authored by Senator Chuck Poochigian, which designated in state law a specific time to observe the California Days of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.

I ask all Californians to take time this week to reflect on this tragedy and its consequences. In joining our friends in the Armenian-American community in this observance, all of California helps remember the lives that were lost or changed by these fateful events.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor of the State of California, do hereby proclaim April 20-27, 2008, as "Days of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide."

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 7th day of April 2008.

Governor of California



Book Review by Yuksel Oktay : The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, A Disputed Genocide By Guenter Lewy

© This content Mirrored From TurkishArmenians  Site armenians-1915.blogspot.com
I re-read Dr. Guenter Lewy's book after learning that the 85 year old Professor (born in 1923) would be making a presentation at the Springfield Public Library in NJ following the showing of Marty Callagan's documentary "Armenian Revolt" on April 20, Sunday. This time, I also read the footnotes, over 1240, and went over the references as well and decided to write a review for the benefit of those who have not read this important book which can be found in most libraries in the US.

The book was published in 2005 by the University of Utah Press and Dr. Guenter Lewy had first spoken about the book and the Armenian issue at the Gazi University Conference in Ankara in 2006. In fact, I had met the author during the conference and had a chance to convey to him some of my concerns on the book, especially its title, suggesting that the "Armenian Revolts" should also be made part of it..

The 272 page book consists of four parts and 13 chapters, beginning with the historical setting, the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century and the Armenian revolutionary movement, with footnotes presented in almost 60 pages at the end of the book. The 25 page list of references is presented under "Works Cited", since it would probably take another 350 page if all the books and articles written on the subject would be covered, which leads to my first criticism. The author states that many more books have been written by the Armenians and their supporters than the Turks and their supporters but does not mention the fact that "there are hundreds and perhaps thousands of organizations around the world which are funded and supported by the Armenians and many universities and so called genocide scholars work almost exclusively to prove that the massacres was a genocide since it fits their agenda."

Very few books by Turkish authors are referenced in the list of works cited and Prof. Dr. Turkkay Ataov, who has published close to hundred books on the subject, is mentioned only once and that in a critical way. Bilal Simsir, Esat Uras, Kamuran Gumrun, Sonyel, Ahmet Emin Yalman, Justin McCharty are mentioned a few times but the works of Dadrian (close to 20 of his works alone in the references), Hovanassian (close to 15 of his works), Pastermadjian, Sarafian, Kaiser (6 of his works) and yes, Taner Akcam, are used throughout the book who state that genocide was committed by the Ottoman Turks. Of course, at every chance, reference is made to Amb. Henry Morgenhau and his memoirs "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story" but no mention of "The murder of a Nation", which is the chapter on Armenians published as a book by the Armenian benevolent Association. Anyone who is not familiar with the real contents of these books and their main goal and the Armenian issue may easily conclude that "there is no disputed genocide, it was the 20th century's first holocaust as Prof. Bernard Lewis wrote in his 1961 book, "The Emergence of Modern Turkey" but changed his mind later, and Robert D. Kaplan in his book "Balkan Ghosts – A Journey Through History (p.63), who mascarades around as a friend of the Turks.

The Armenian revolts are mentioned in the book but without going into the details of those uprisings which was the cause of the massacres and the relocation. Therefore, a better title for the book would have been, "The Armenian Revolts and the resulting Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey."

The author admits that he does not speak Turkish or Ottoman and had many material from the Turkish archives translated for him. He mentions that he worked with the German, Russian, British and Turkish archives but no word about the Armenian archives which to date remain closed, including the archives of the Istanbul Armenian Patriach in Jerusalem and Armenian archives in Boston. The majority of references cited on the relocations are by the Western diplomats and Chrisitan missionaries from several countries who were at war with the Ottomans, and being Christians, were biased against the muslims. There was already a planned partitioning of the Ottoman Empire by the Russia and England and the diplomats and missionaries were reporting only what the muslims did, ignoring the massacre of Turks. It is a historical fact that Armenians sided with the Russians and massacred muslims in the villages and towns across eastern Anatolia, but the author refers to these as if they are "charged" and not real. There is a passing remark about the Van rebellions but no mention of the massacres that the Armenians committed, killing over 30,000 muslims and setting the city of Van to fire, just as they did in izmir.

Almost all those who do not accept genocide believe that the Armenian revolts was a Civil war within a Global war", which is rejected by the author. If it was not a civil war and the Armenians were in fact the fifth column fighting on the side of the enemy, what was it? Armenians were killing muslims in order to create a state of their own on lands where they were never the majority, but this fact is not mentioned forci bly. Throughout the book, 1915 relocations are referred to as deportations, as if the Armenians were sent outside the national boundaries, something a casual reader would miss.

The author mentions Musa Dagh on the Mediterrenan coast where they are supposedly fought off Turkish troops for fifty three days and refers to Franz Werfel' fictional novel "Forty Days of Musa Dagh" as "the story of the heroic resistance of a small Armenian village (p.106 and 262) when in fact they were responsible for the uprisings across the eastern and southern Anatolia. When referring to the Turkish gendarmes, the author states that they were known to be ignorant, corrupt, and poorly trained. The whole country was a war zone, Turks were fighting on four fronts for their very survival, including at Dardanelles and Gallipoli in the same year 1915, which to some had a great influence on the relocation decision, but covered very lightly by the author.

It would probably take another book to explain what has been omitted and not presented truthfully in this book. For example there is only a passing reference to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk but no mention of his famous remarks on the Armenian issue:
"Civilization and the humanity should once more be enlightened regarding the alleged Armenian massacres and the purpose of the propaganda created to mislead the world. These are the results of resentment and anger from detestable vicios accusations."

Yuksel Oktay,
18 April 2008, Washington, NJ



From: Esra Kirecci [esrakirecci@gmail.com]


Osmanli doneminde ermeni teroru konulu konusma stevens universitesinde


THE program in gender and cultural studies
THE College of arts and letters
in association with
The institute of Turkish studies
Guenter lewy
speaking on
His controversial New book
The Armenian
Massacres in
Ottoman Turkey: A
Disputed Genocide
Introduction by dr. david cuthell, Executive
director of the institute of Turkish studies
Monday, April 21st ▪ 6:30 PM
228 kidde
Stevens institute of technology
No admission charged

Discussion with Dr. Guenter Lewy, author of

"The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey – A Disputed Genocide"

Relying on archival materials as well as eyewitness testimony, Guenter Lewy avoids the sterile "was-it-genocide-or-not" debate, presents a detailed account of what actually happened. His book examines the rich historical evidence without political preconceptions. The hope is that this will open a new chapter in this contentious controversy that may help achieve a long-overdue reconciliation of Armenians and Turks.

Dr. Guenter Lewy is professor emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst

at the

Springfield Free Public Library

66 Mountain Avenue, Springfield , NJ 07081

April 20, 2008 at 2 PM

The program is free and open to all



 The Armenian Revolt a documentary film

In the shadows of WWI, the Armenian struggle for freedom and independence from the Ottoman Empire results in a gruesome Civil War, a splintered community and what is considered by some today, a genocide. Nearly a century later, there remains much debate about whether Ottoman Muslims or Armenians were more or less responsible for the brutality that took place.

Producer/Director Marty Callaghan said, "This balanced program is the first of its kind. While the tragic fate of Armenians in the World War I era has received a substantial amount of attention in news and documentary programming, the story behind the Armenian Revolt has been almost completely overlooked. 'Armenian Revolt - Tragedy in the Middle East' can educate Western audiences in an important era of Middle Eastern history that continues to influence public opinion and foreign policy today."

The documentary is based on two years of research with experts in the United States, Russia, Germany, Romania, England and Bulgaria. Interviews were filmed in the United States and Turkey. Stunning, historical footage from 1913 to 1919 has been found in the national archives of the United States, Romania and Bulgaria as well as in a private archive in Moscow, Russia. Still photographs were sourced in the United States and from a private collection in Berlin, Germany.

Callaghan is a veteran documentary filmmaker, focusing on military history,       World War I and the Middle East for much of his career.


Mehmet Toy <mtoy054@yahoo.com> wrote:


Sevgili Arkadaslar:

Ciddi bir "legal" mucadeleden sonra "Armenian Revolt" filminin gosterilmesi ve Prof. Lewy nin konusmasi Springfiled Library de kabul edilmis durumda. BU COK BUYUK BASARI NJ de YASAYAN TURKLER ICIN. BU BIR ILKTIR.










Springfield, NJ (Internette tam adresi bulabilirsiniz)
Sunday, April 20, 2008, at 2pm



 Ben de Mehmet beyin soylediklerine birsey daha katmak istiyorum.

Given the way they were acting yesterday, at the negotiations during the Library Board Meeting, (where there were more than 15 of them, with some coming from as far away as Chicago) Pazar gunu Kutuphanedeki programa buyukce bir Ermeni gurubunun gelip filmi ve konusmacinin sozlerini sabotaj edebilecegini dusunuyorum. En azindan film ve konusma sirasinda kendilerine hakim olabilselerde soru cevap veya antrak sirasinda Munazarayi ellerine gecirmeye calisicaklarindan hemen hemen kuskum yok. Simdi boylesi bir durumla karsilasinca ve seyircilerin icinde Turklerin azinlikta ve oz guvensiz olabilecegini dusunmek bile gozlerimi karartiyor.

 As Mehmet bey said your attendance is not a matter of choice it is a matter of our dignity especially vis –a- vis to the Springfield community and a number of NJ legislators who are likely to be there!!! Again this is not a matter of' it will be good if you too can join us', every one of us has to be there!

 Isn't this the kind of steps we have been working to take; here…,, few of us have taken the step for all of us , please hold the ladder so non of us fall tumbling down which also reflects all of us.

Moreover, please, when you are informing Mehmet bey about your attendance of the program, I would also like you to inform Mehmet Bey about your plan to be at the Dinner at Toros Restaurant in Honor of Dr Lewy, following his speech, please. We have to give the restaurant a number re how many people will be there for the right preparations, latest by early evening tomorrow-Saturday.


Thank you for your consideration and your support


Eser U Belding


From: Nihat Canikli [mailto:ncanikli@gmail.com]

Her tasin altinda TESEV


Spekulator Soros destekli TESEV Diyarbakir'da Kurt Konferansi duzenleyecek. "Kurt Sorununa Demokratik Cozum Arayislari" konulu konferansla TESEV, "Kurt sorunu"na cozum arayacak

ABANT Platformu'nun yapamadigini TESEV Diyarbakir'da yapacak. AB ve Soros destekli projeleriyle surekli tartisma konusu olan Turkiye Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etutler Vakfi (TESEV), bu kez de "Kurt Sorununa Demokratik Cozum Arayislari" baslikli bir konferansi duzenlemeye hazirlaniyor.

Daha once Abant Platformu, 28-29 Mart tarihlerinde Diyarbakir'da "Kurt sorunu: Barisi ve Gelecegi Birlikte Aramak" baslikli bir konferans duzenleyecegini duyurmustu. 150 katilimcinin davet edildigi ve "Kurt sorununun tartisilacaginin" belirtildigi konferans daha sonra "hassas bir doneme girildigi" gerekcesiyle iptal edilmisti. Ancak ayni hassasiyeti "her tartismali adim"in altindan cikan TESEV sergilemedi. AB ve Soros destegiyle yaptigi her arastirma ve yayinladigi her rapor tartisma konusu olan TESEV, "Kurt sorunu" basligiyla hazirladigi kendi projelerini, Diyarbakir'da tartismaya acacak. TESEV, Diyarbakir'da duzenleyecegi "Kurt Sorununa Demokratik Cozum Arayislari" baslikli konferans icin bir metin hazirlayarak, davetlilere gonderdi. TESEV tarafindan hazirlanan metinde, konferansin temel amaci su ifadelerle duyuruldu: "TESEV Demokratiklesme Programi'nin Kurt Sorunu calisma alaninin iki ana ekseni olan 'ulke icinde yerinden edilme' ve 'sosyoekonomik kalkinma' konularini ve TESEV arastirmalarinin bu sorunlarin cozumu icin uretmis oldugu siyasa onerilerini tartismaya acmak..."

Zorunlu goc

TESEV, 26-27 Nisan 2008 tarihlerinde Diyarbakir'da gerceklestirmeyi planladigi konferansta, hedefini, "Kurt sorununun zorunlu goc, sosyoekonomik kalkinma ve anayasal haklar boyutlarina yonelik butuncul bir yaklasim olusturulmasidir" ifadeleriyle acikladi. Uc oturumdan olusacak konferansin ilk oturumunda "Zorunlu Goc ile Yuzlesmek: Turkiye'de Ulke Icinde Yerinden Edilme Sonrasi Vatandasligin Insasi" ve "Dogu ve Guneydogu Anadolu'da Sosyal ve Ekonomik Oncelikler" adli kitaplarin yazarlari, bu arastirmalarda tespit edilen bulgulari ve gelistirilen cozum onerilerini sunacak. Ayni oturumda ayrica, Kurt sorununun anayasal cozumu de ele alinacak. Konferans, Diyarbakir'da bulunan sivil toplum kuruluslari temsilcilerinin bolgede gecmiste ve son donemlerde yasananlara dair analizlerinden olusacak ikinci panelden sonra, milletvekili ve siyasi parti temsilcilerinin bir araya gelecegi yuvarlak masa toplantisi ile sona erecek.


Katilimcilar da tartismali

TESEV'in duzenlemeyi planladigi konferansta Diyarbakir Barosu'nu, Belediye Baskani Osman Baydemir'in de avukatligini yapan Meral Danis Bestas temsil edecek. TESEV Baskani Can Paker'in de katilimci olacagi konferansin diger isimleri arasinda, DTP Genel Baskan Yardimcisi Emine Ayna, DP Genel Baskani Mehmet Agar'in "Duz ovada siyaset" soyleminin mimarlarindan biri olarak bilinen eski Bakan Salim Ensarioglu'nun yegeni DYP Diyarbakir Il Baskani Galip Ensarioglu, Uluslararasi Kurt Insan Haklari Merkezi'nin kuruculari arasinda olan HAK-PAR Genel Baskani Sertac Bucak da yer aliyor. Konferansta ayrica TESEV adina hazirlanan ve tartisma konusu olan "Zorunlu Goc ile Yuzlesmek" isimli raporun altinda imzasi bulunan hukukcu Dilek Kurban gibi isimler de var.


18 Nisan 2008


Sunlike <mttaborsl@yahoo.com> wrote:

Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 11:45:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [ETD] Iranian cleric: Unveiled women (Islamically) turn (Muslim) men into (Islamic??) beasts


Cleric: Unveiled Women Turn Men into Beasts.




Iran: Top Shia cleric says unveiled women turn men into beasts


Mashad, 10 April (AKI) - A top Shia cleric in Iran has said that unveiled women are a serious danger to Iranian society as they cause men to be "transformed into beasts".

"Women without the veil are a danger that the authorities underestimate," said Hojatolislam Seyyed Ahmad Elmalhoda, a powerful cleric who leads the Friday prayers in Mashad, a site considered sacred for Shia Muslims as it houses the shrine of Imam Reza.

"This situation is very serious in that if men see these bad women, they will turn into beasts, and then the whole of society will have to pay the consequences."

According to the Shia cleric, women who do not respect conservative Islamic dress rules are "sources of all that is bad in society."

"Respecting the chador (a long, black cloak that covers the arms and legs and is usually worn with a hijab) is the law of the state and the authorities must severely punish anyone who does not respect this law, in the same way that they punish thieves and murderers," said Elmadhoda.

He is who is also a member of the Council of Experts - a powerful body of 86 senior clerics which elects, supervises and can dismiss the country's supreme leader.

He was speaking to journalists who were reporting on president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to the shrine of Imam Reza.

"A women who does not wear the entire veil is like a fire which burns anyone who comes into contact with her," said Elmalhoda.

"Our youth, even those who are educated by families who believe and respect the words of the Prophet, when they come into contact with this fire [the women who are not properly veiled] they burn and become ash," he said.

From: edibe yazar [edibe.yazan@gmail.com]

 i$TE SON OSMANLI EVLADI - Nevruz Dede'yi Rahmetle Aniyoruz (Mutlaka Izleyelim…!)



Nevruz Dede'yi Rahmetle Aniyoruz (Mutlaka Izleyelim…!)



7 ya$Inda iken Nuri Pa$a komutasIndaki askerî birlikle Azerbaycan"a gelen Nevruz Caferov, bugun 94 ya$Inda ve cocuklugunun istanbul"unu ozluyor.1917 yIlInda Ermeni-Rus ordularI Azerbaycan"I kasIp kavurur. Musluman Turk ahali zor durumdadIr. OsmanlI hukumeti, yardIm amacIyla donemin unlu askerlerinden Nuri Pa$a komutasInda bir orduyu Azerbaycan"a gonderir. Bu askerî birlik icinde ismi Ahmet olan kucuk bir cocuk da vardIr. Ahmet"in babasI yuksek rutbeli bir OsmanlI zabiti olan Nimetullah beydir.

Annesi ise FatIma hanIm. Ahmet, daha kucuk bir cocuk iken annesini kaybeder. Sefer emri alan Nimetullah bey, oglunu emanet edebilecegi bir akrabasI olmadIgIndan o sIrada 7 ya$Inda olan Ahmet"i yanInda goturmeye karar verir. Askerî birligin istanbul"da ba$layan uzun ve yorucu yolculugu Gence"de sona erer. Kente vardIklarInda kucuk Ahmet"i bir cocuk yurduna teslim eder babasI, sonra da Azerbaycan"In ic bolgelerinde devam eden sava$a katIlmak amacIyla cepheye ko$ar.

Dunun kucuk Ahmet"i Nevruz Caferov, ak sakallI bir dede olmu$ $imdi ve Bakû'de ya$Iyor. Dimdik duru$u, kartal bakI$I ve cehresindeki cizgiler onun ba$ka bir cografyaya ait oldugunu gozler onune seriyor. Bakû"deki Turk $ehitligi"nde isimleri pirinc levhalara yazIlI kahramanlara bakIp, "Ben buraya onlarla birlikte geldim" diyor. Sonra da gozunu ufka dikerek $unlarI soyluyor: "Onlar babamIn arkada$larI. Benim amcalarIm oluyor. istanbul"dan Gence"ye uzanan uzun bir yolda arkada$ olmu$uz onlarla."

istanbul hasreti ile yanan gonul

Nevruz Caferov, 1910 yIlInda istanbul"da dunyaya gelir. Aradan gecen uzun yIllara ragmen "istanbul" ismi telaffuz edilince heyecanlanIyor ve yureginde dogdugu $ehri ahir omrunde gorme arzusu uyanIyor. istanbul"a duydugu sevginin altInda cocuk hafIzasInda kalan guzel hatIralar bulunuyor. Gozunun onune en fazla gelen goruntu ya$adIklarI ev ve yanIba$Indaki cami. "5-6 ya$larInda iken arkada$larImla evimizin onunde oynardIk" diyor, ic gecirerek.. Evlerinin yanIba$Indaki caminin cift minaresi oldugunu soyluyor. Arkada$larI ile camiye girip saklambac oynarlarmI$. Bazen namaz kIlan insanlarla birlikte egilip kalkarlarmI$. Cemaat de onlarIn ba$InI ok$ar, $eker ya da para verirmi$. Bazen de cok fazla gurultu cIkarIr, bu kez de onlarIn tatlI-sert ikazlarI ile kar$Ila$IrlarmI$.

Nevruz dedenin hafIzasIndan cIkmayan bir ba$ka istanbul karesi ise evlerinin onundeki kalabalIk. "Rahmetli annemin Hakk"In rahmetine kavu$tugu gundu o gun" diyor, kIsIk bir sesle. Annesinin genc ya$ta olmesi onu derinden etkilemi$. BabasInIn birkac kez sessiz sessiz agladIgIna $ahit olmu$. Oyun arkada$larInIn hicbirini gozunun onune getiremediginden yakInIyor. Onlara ait ne bir resim karesi var belleginde ne de bir isim. 7 ya$Ina kadar ya$adIgI istanbul"dan hafIzasInda kalanlar bu kadar. Bir de camilerin minarelerinden yayIlan ezan sesleri kalmI$ kulaklarInda.
"Baba" diyerek haykIrIr ve kendinden gecer
Kucuk Ahmet"in Gence gunleri cok zor gecer. Annesinin vefatIndan sonra oz yurdundan ve arkada$larIndan ayrI du$mek cok zoruna gider. Bunlar yetmezmi$ gibi, vatanIndan uzak bu garip ulkede tek yakInI olan, canI sIkIldIgInda boynuna sarIlIp teselli bulacagI babacIgI da yanInda degildir. Annesinin yokluguna bir de baba hasreti eklenir. Nice geceler "anne-baba" cIglIklarI ile uyanIr ve sabaha kadar aglar da aglar. BazI geceler bu aglama seanslarIna cocuk yuvasInIn hizmetcisi de katIlIr. Yurtta kaldIgI iki yIl boyunca kucuk Ahmet"i hicbir $ey teselli edemez.

Bu arada, Azerbaycan bagImsIzlIgInI ilan eder. O sIralar dokuz ya$Inda olan Ahmet, "Belki babasIndan bir haber alIr" du$uncesiyle once Bakû"ye, bir sure sonra da iran sInIrIna yakIn Lenkeran $ehrindeki cocuk yurduna gonderilir. 28 Nisan 1920″de Rus askerleri Azerbaycan"I yeniden i$gal edince bu tarihe kadar ulkede kalmI$ OsmanlI askerleri birer iki$er iran uzerinden vatan yolunu tutar. Baba hasretine dayanamayan Ahmet, bir haber alIrIm umidiyle cocuk yurdundan firar ederek iran"In Astara $ehrine gider. Bir yIl boyunca babasInIn izini bulmaya calI$Ir. Hic kimse "babanI gordum" demez kendisine. Boynunu buker ve yeniden Lenkeran"a donerek cocuk yurduna yerle$ir. Umudunu kaybetmi$tir artIk. Kendisini annesiz babasIz bir gelecek beklemektedir.

From: ferudunozgumus@yahoo.com
Subject: G.Dogudan K.Iraka Bolucu Olacak Ogrenci Gidiyor

Turkiye'nin kIrmIzI cizgileri, MiT Muste$arI Taner'in Barzani ile yaptIgI 'gizli ve tarihi goru$mede' terk edildi. Bu goru$menin yazIlI olmayan mutabakatIna gore, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti, "Turkiye sInIrlarIna ta$mamak" kaydIyla, Kuzey Irak'taki Kurt olu$umuna eskisi kadar sert bakmIyor.

i$te Barzani'yle yapIlan goru$mede alInan cok kritik kararlar....

Milli istihbarat Te$kilatI (MiT) Muste$arI Emre Taner ba$kanlIgIndaki uc ki$ilik heyetin, Kuzey Irak'tan ayrIlIrken son sozleri, "Amerikan Ba$kanI George Bush'a da goru$memizin icerigini iletin" $eklinde oldu. Taner'in Kurdistan Demokratik Partisi (KDP) lideri Mesut Barzani'yle goru$mesi dakikada tamamlanIrken, heyetlerarasI goru$meler tam 24 saatte sonuclandI.
      Bu goru$meden dort gun sonra Barzani, Amerika'ya gitti; Bush kendisini "SayIn Ba$kan" hitabIyla kar$IladI. Turkiye'de pek cok ki$i, resmi protokolde "KDP lideri" denilen Barzani'nin Beyaz Saray'da
"Kurdistan Bolgesel Hukumeti Ba$kanI" sIfatIyla kar$IlandIgInI ogrenince $a$IrdI.
      Oysa, Turkiye'de az sayIdaki 'yonetici', Barzani'nin ABD'de Kurdistan Bolgesel Hukumeti Ba$kanI olarak kar$IlanacagInI biliyordu. Turkiye'nin tepe yoneticileri bu bilgiyi, MiT Ba$kanI Taner ile Mesut Barzani arasIndaki goru$me oncesinde biliyorlardI.
      TEMPO, Taner'in Barzani'yle yaptIgI 'alI$IlmadIk' ve 'tarihi' diye nitelendirilebilecek ziyaretin bilgilerine ula$tI. SonuclarI 'tutanaklandIrIlmayan' bu ziyaretin oykusu $oyle:
     Neden DI$i$leri degil de MiT

      - MiT Muste$arI Emre Taner, beraberinde MiT'in iki daire ba$kanI bulundugu halde 'olagan' guzergâhI takip ederek 20 Ekim'de Turkiye'den Kuzey Irak'a hareket etti. Anti espiyonaj ve uluslararasI operasyonel ili$kilerden sorumlu iki daire ba$kanI aynen Taner gibi Turkiye - Kuzey Irak yonetimi ve Amerika arasIndaki ili$kilerin detaylarIna vakIf ki$ilerdi.
      Barzani, bulu$ma noktasInda Taner'i sIcak bicimde kar$IladI. Degil sIcak kar$Ilama, bu bulu$ma bile teamullerin dI$IndaydI. Cunku MiT muste$arlarInIn Barzani gibi siyasi bir liderle dogrudan goru$mesi, devlet usullerine pek de uygun degildi. Bu ziyareti DI$i$leri BakanlIgI mensuplarI da yapabilecekken, acaba neden MiT devreye girmi$ti?
      - DI$i$leri mensuplarI Barzani'yle temas etse, ili$ki devletlerarasI resmi duzeye ta$InmI$ olacaktI. Ancak MiT, 'devlet guvencesi' ta$Iyan ama 'gayri resmi' olarak adlandIrIlan ili$ki bicimlerini kullanabiliyordu. MiT'te halen 'gayri resmi ili$kilerden' sorumlu ozel bir masa bulunuyor. Dogrudan muste$ara baglI olan bu masa, devlet adIna sozler verebiliyor. Bu sozler belgeye yansImIyor ama devletlerarasI ili$kilerde gecerli kabul ediliyor.
      - MiT muste$arInIn Barzani ile yabancI topraklarda goru$mesi olagan mIdIr? Tabii ki hayIr; ama Taner'in onceki MiT muste$arlarIndan ayIrt edici bir ozelligi var. istihbarat elemanI olarak goreve ba$layan Taner, mesleki kariyeri boyunca yedi kez Barzani'yle goru$mu$tu ve aralarInda bir diyalog olu$mu$tu.
      - MiT Ba$kanI Taner'in Barzani ziyaretiyle gorevlendirilmesine ili$kin cok az sayIda 'yoneticiye' bilgi verilmi$ti.
      - MiT muste$arI ve personeli Barzani'nin kar$IsIna "Turkiye Cumhuriyeti'ni temsilen" oturdu... Muste$ar, Barzani'nin dort maddede toplanan isteklerini dinledi. Tempo'nun edindigi bilgiye gore, ilk kez Turkiye Cumhuriyeti'ni temsil eden resmi bir gorevli bu isteklere o masada 'hayIr' demedi... Yani ilk elden reddetmedi. Bu isteklerin goru$ulmesi icin kapI aralandI.
     Kurt tarafInIn talebi

      1) KÜRT OLU$UMUNUN TANINMASI: Turkiye Cumhuriyeti, "Turkiye sInIrlarIna ta$mamak" kaydIyla Kuzey Irak'taki Kurt olu$umunu tanIyacak. (Buna gore Turkiye, ornegin Habur SInIr KapIsI'ndan cIktIgInIzda kar$InIza gelen Halil ibrahim KapIsI'ndaki KDP bayragIna artIk tepki gostermeyecek. Yani "Irak kapIsInda neden Irak bayragI yok" denilmeyecek.)

      2) CiFTE VATANDA$LIK: Ozellikle sInIrdaki Turkiye ve Irak Kurtleri arasIndaki yakIn akrabalIk ve geli$-gidi$ sIklIgI da dikkate alInarak "her iki ulke vatanda$Ina da" cifte vatanda$lIk imkânI saglanacak. (Yani "Turkiye Cumhuriyet vatanda$I Almanlar" gibi "Turkiye Cumhuriyeti vatanda$I Kurtler" ortaya cIkacak.)

      3) OĞRENCi ALI$VERi$i: iki taraf egitim, saglIk ve ekonomi alanlarInda sIkI i$birligi yapacak. Turk-Kurt universiteleri arasInda ogrenci mubadelesine imkân saglanacak. Bu yolla Kuzey Irak'taki universitelere devam eden Turkiye Cumhuriyeti vatanda$I Kurt genclerin durumu fiili olmaktan cIkIp, resmiyet kazanacak. Belli vadede diploma denkligi imkânI da getirilecek. Turkiye'nin Kuzey Irak'a ilac ve tIbbi yardIm yapmasI ongorulurken, ilac uretimi ve ticaretinin $ekli bile belirlendi. Ekonomide ise (orta vadede) ticareti serbestle$tirecek duzenlemeler yapIlacak.
      4) KÜRT HARP OKULUNU KiM KURACAK? Egitim ve saglIk hizmetlerinde i$birliginin kapsamI geni$ tutulacak. Bu kapsam doktor egitiminden asker degi$tirilmesine kadar uzanacak. (iddiaya gore Azerbaycan'da oldugu gibi Kuzey Irak'taki Harp Akademisi'ni de Turk SilahlI Kuvvetleri kuracak.)
     Turk tarafInIn talebi

      Turk tarafI ise bu dort maddelik taleplerin goru$uldugu masaya tek maddelik talebini uzattI. Talep $oyleydi:
      - Kuzey Irak'taki Kurt otoritesi, Turkiye ile i$birligi icinde PKK'yI yok etmek uzere harekete gececek. Barzani, PKK kar$ItI i$birligini "PKK tumuyle silah bIrakIp yok oluncaya kadar gotureceklerini" ilan edecek. Bu ilan uluslararasI toplumu muhatap alacak.
      Barzani de Turkiye'nin bu talebine sIcak yakla$tI.
     Barzani'nin ABD gezisi

      Barzani, Turk-Kurt taraflarI arasIndaki bu goru$meden hemen sonra Amerika'ya uctu. Amerikan Ba$kanI Bush, Oval Ofis'te agIrladIgI Barzani'yi, "Bir diktatore kar$I ayaga kalkan cesur bir adam" diye kar$Ilarken, Barzani $oyle yanIt verdi:
      "Sizin liderliginizdeki ABD ordusu, kahraman pe$mergeler ile Irak ve Kurdistan halkI sayesinde ba$arIya ula$acagIz." Bu acIklamalar, 27 Ekim'de yapIldI. AcIklamalarIn oncesi ve sonrasIndaki geli$meleri bir arada okudugumuzda ortaya $u tablo cIktI:
      Barzani'nin Oval Ofis bulu$masInIn hemen ardIndan Amerika'nIn Ankara Buyukelciligi, MaslahatguzarI Nancy McEldowney, DI$i$leri BakanlIgI'na davet edildi. Maslahatguzara Barzani'ye neden ba$kan sIfatI verildigi soruldu. YanIt, mealen, "Kendisi 30 Haziran 2004 tarihinde yururluge giren Irak Gecici idari YasasI'na gore Kurdistan Bolgesi Hukumet Ba$kanI'dIr" $eklinde oldu. Turk DI$i$leri'nin tepkisi ise 'sitemden' oteye gidemedi.
     Bir gun sonrasI

      Barzani, 28 Ekim'de Amerika'da Ulusal BasIn Kulubu'nde gazetecilerin sorularInI yanItladI. Gazeteciler Turkiye'nin 'resmi duzeyde' ifade ettigi rahatsIzlIgI aktarInca, Barzani $unlarI soyledi: "Irak'ta bir ulke ve Kurdistan Bolgesi denilen bir parca vardIr. Kurdistan Parlamentosu var, Kurt halkI var. O parlamento da beni Kurdistan Ba$kanI secti. Ba$kan Bush, yasal olmayan bir $ey soylemedi ki."
     Bir ay sonra

      ABD DI$i$leri BakanI Condoleezza Rice, 12 KasIm'da askeri bir ucakla once Musul'a ardIndan da Bagdat'a gecerek resmi goru$melerde bulundu. AynI gun Bush, Birle$mi$ Milletler Zirvesi icin Amerika'da bulunan devlet ve hukumet adamlarIna resepsiyon veriyordu. Bush, Erdogan'I gorunce koluna girerek $oyle konu$tu:
      "Bugun Rice ile birlikte (Irak Cumhurba$kanI) Talabani ile goru$tuk. 'Turkiye PKK konusunda endi$eli. Bu konuda bir $eyler yapmanIz gerekiyor' dedik.
      Bush-Erdogan arasIndaki bu konu$malar resmi kanallardan dI$arIya verilen bilgilerden ibarettir. Ama MiT-Barzani goru$mesi gosteriyor ki, Turkiye'nin Kurt meselesi atba$I hIzla farklI bir mecraya ta$InmaktadIr.

Kaynak: tempo



From: European Armenian Federation [mailto:contact@EAFJD.ORG]
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 1:14 PM
To: grassroots@turkishforum.com grassroots@turkishforum.com
Subject: Stay for Ragip Zarakolu



For immediate release


Sunday, 20 April 2008

Contact : Varténie ECHO

Tel. / Fax. : +32 (0) 2 732 70 27




-          MEPs appeal to the Turkish Minister of Justice

-          The European Armenian Federation calls for the abolition of article 301

-          The trial is postponed until a cosmetic reform of the TPC clauses which are a destruction of liberty


Four eminent members of the European Parliament – Mrs Koppa and Mr Toubon, both vice-presidents of the delegation EU-Turkey, Mr Gaubert, vice-president of the sub-committee on Human Rights and president of Licra[1], Mr Kasoulides, former minister of Foreign Affairs and recent candidate for the Cypriot presidency – have recently sent a letter to the Turkish Minister of Justice, Mr Sahin, in order to inform him of the Unions concern about the trial developments (see below[i]). The MEPs mention that the "long, costly and morally exhausting" trial comes from "judicial relentlessness". They are also worried about Mr Zarakolu's "physical security" regarding "nationalistic renewal in Turkey" especially revealed by the "murder of Hrant Dink and the revelations referring to the criminal organization Ergenekon".


The MEPs ask Mr Sahin to "abrogate without any delay the 301 article and similar clauses" of the Turkish Penal Code and "other legislative and statutory texts which are effective in Turkey". They also ask for the cessation of "iniquitous prosecutions" in opposition to Mr Zarakolu and they underline that his "condemnation and even more, any attempt to his integrity will constitute a cutting contradiction to the European ambitions of Turkey".


On April 9, at the end of another hearing of Mr Zarakolu, the criminal court in Istanbul decided to postpone the hearings until June 17, i.e. after the possible adoption by the Turkish Parliament of the amendments tabled by the AKP government referring to the 301 and 305 articles of the TPC.


The European Armenian Federation reminds that Mr Zarakolu is a publisher and militates for several years in favour of Human Rights in Turkey. He is one of the founding members of the Turkish Association for Human Rights and he forms part of those dissidents prosecuted under the 301 article for having "insulted the State and the Republic" and "the memory of Ataturk".


In this case, Mr Zarakolu is prosecuted following the article 301 because he published two books on the Armenian genocide, the founding act and the major taboo of the Turkish state and society. One of the books deals with the rescue of an Armenian family by Turks during the genocide!


"Mr Zarakolu case is without any doubt one of the most symbolic trials instituted by the Turkish State against one of its dissidents. Apart from the penal condemnation, Mr Zarakolu is enduring financial difficulties deliberately induced by the trial in order to reduce him to silence. Moreover, he fears now for his life as the trials are only a way to point out the potential victims to the killer teams controlled by the State" commented Laurent Leylekian, the executive director of the European Armenian Federation.


According to the latest news, the "reform" proposed by the AKP recommends to replace in the 301 article which penalizes "the insult to the Turkish identity, the Republic, State institutions and organs" the terms "Turkish identity" and "Republic" respectively by "Turkish nation" and "Turkish Republic".


The Federation considers that this "reform" will change nothing to the Turkish prosecutors dealings who – according to a recent poll – consider themselves as the guardians of the "National interest" of their country. "The Turkish prosecutors will continue prosecuting in the same way those who dare to speak about the Armenian Genocide, the occupation of Cyprus, or oppression of the Kurds. Europe has to force Turkey to abrogate these articles which clearly violate the Copenhagen criteria by penalizing the freedom of expression not only of Turks but also of Europeans", concluded Laurent Leylekian.


Several international organizations, such as the International Publishers Association, the League for Human Rights, Amnesty International mobilized and launched petition campaigns and alerted the European Commission in the framework of Turkey's "accession process". They also point out that these trials violate at the same time "freedom of expression" and the "right to a fair and impartial trial" which are theoretically guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. They ask for a total abolition of the 301 article and other similar clauses of the Turkish Penal Code.



[1] International League against Racism and Xenophobia

[i] Letter sent by Mrs Koppa, Mr Gaubert, Mr Kasoulides and Mr Toubon to Mr Sahin, Minister of Justice of Turkey


M. Mehmet Ali Sahin

Ministre de la Justice

Turkiye Cumhuriyet Bakanligi

06659 Kizilay – Ankara




Monsieur le Ministre,



From: Usa Armenian Life Magazine [mailto:usarmenlife2@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:34 PM
To: Turkish forum

1. Jabarian's Apr. 18 Column

     - Armenia: A View From Yerevan;

     - Ter-Petrossyan: Armenia's No. 1 National Security Threat


     A Public Appeal by Armenian Americans for Stablility In Armenia







Armenia: A View From Yerevan


April 18, 2008


Executive Publisher/Managing Editor



On April 5, I embarked on a journalistic mission to Armenia. Besides attending the presidential inauguration of President-Elect Serge Sargsyan, I went solo deep into the fabric of Armenian society to take the pulse of the nation. (Long gone are the Soviet days when an individual like me would have been "befriended" by a "guide", most probably an undercover KGB agent from the long-defunct Soviet Intourist tourism agency.)

On several occasions, in the early morning and late night hours I ventured out into the streets and into the taxis all by myself.

I am glad that I kindly declined several invitations by long-time friends to go to the numerous touristic locales. I had decided that during my one-week stay, alas a very short one, I would attempt to interact with as many members of Armenian society as possible.

By the end of my stay, I had taken 23 short and very short (a few blocks-long) taxi rides, striking conversations with all the taxi drivers that gave me rides. Thanks to the moderate to heavy traffic in the bustling streets and boulevards of Yerevan, those few blocks of rides lasted long enough for me to delve into meaningful brief "interviews."

Besides seeing several old friends, I met 45 new acquaintances. They included several walkers-by, restaurant servers, shopkeepers, bakers, students, senior citizens, office clerks, actors, artists, teachers, some fellow journalists, friends' friends and others.

Nearly seventy percent of my interlocutors were either employed or self-employed. About twenty percent were unemployed (The national unemployment rate is higher in the regions outside Yerevan). And the remaining 10% were retired citizens.

To their credit, most of my Armenian conversationalists were very outspoken about their personal opinions even during the presence of a "perfect stranger" like me.

The initial question presented to them was "Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future under the president-elect Serge Sargsyan?"

And this was their response – although these results are in no way a comprehensive picture of the social and economic situation of the entire country.

Despite the fact that, overall, eighty percent agreed that there are several social and economic injustices, sixty eight percent of them expressed guarded optimism. Their optimism was preconditioned by their expectation that President Serge Sargsyan's administration will speed up the rooting out of the corruption, and will introduce a higher level of transparency in the government bureaucracy.

The remaining twenty percent expressed pessimism. Of those pessimist citizens, nearly half expressed willingness to re-evaluate their position if President Sargsyan carries out a mere 25% of his plans presented in his acceptance speech during the special session of the Armenian National Assembly. The remaining ten percent stuck to their position in support of Ter-Petrossyan.

The overwhelming majority expressed disapproval of the riots and the actions of their instigators, Ter-Petrossyan's supporters.

Soon, more details and photos will be featured in a future issue of the twin publications of USA Armenian Life Magazine and Hye Kiank Armenian Weekly.


Ter-Petrossyan: Armenia's No. 1 National Security Threat

An eyebrow-raising report was recently published in Hayots Ashkharh and Golos Armenii dailies in Armenia. The report revealed that a secret meeting and a set of negotiations between former President Levon Ter-Petrossyan and the leader of the `Grey Wolves' (`Nationalistic Movement' Party) Alparslan Tyurkesh took place in March 1993. The Turkish 'Grey Wolves' are known for their ferocious animosity toward the Armenians, Greeks, Jews, Turkish Muslims, Assyrians, Iranians, Daghestanis, Arabs, Kurds, and the Alevis.

Despite the uncovering of several important details of the meeting in Hotel Grillon in Concord Square in Paris, several others remain unknown.

12 years after that meeting, Turkish `Milliet' published a series of articles in March and April, 2005 regarding the contacts and deals between Alparslan Tyurkesh and his son Tughrul Tyurkesh and former Pres. Ter-Petrossyan and his older brother Telman Ter-Petrossyan.

On April 12, Hayots Ashkharh wrote that according to information "from the Turkish side, Turkish Ambassador Bleda, Secretary of the Embassy Menter Shahinler, as well as the son of the leader of 'Grey Wolves' Tughrul Tyurkesh, and from Armenian side former Foreign Minister Vahan Papazyan and Jirayr Liparityan, considered as a `gray cardinal' in the administration of the former President, also participated in the before mentioned negotiations."

Hayots Ashkharh added: "As reported by Milliet, quoting Samson Eozararat, a little after the meeting the two sides discussed the issue of building a monument dedicated to the victims of 1915 (notice: not the Genocide of 1915, but simply '1915') on the Armenian-Turkish border. The most noteworthy thing is that they were planning to write: `We mourn for the pain we caused': in Turkish - on the side looking at Armenia, and in Armenian - on the side looking at Turkey."

The Hayots Ashkharh reporter questioned: "I wonder what pain did Armenians cause to the Turkish people? What crime did we commit, which is equal to the Armenian Genocide? Meanwhile it is not difficult to notice, that by participating in similar discussions and by giving his agreement regarding the construction of the above-mentioned monument, L. Ter-Petrossyan, as a President of Armenia, has, in fact, played into the hands of Turkey's foreign policy and advocacy and the latter is shamelessly introducing Turks as the 'victims of the Genocide and the Armenians' - as those who committed that Genocide."

In an April 2 interview with Hayots Ashkharh, Prof. Armen Ayvazyan, the director of "Ararat" Center for Strategic Research, referring to the March 1 Riots in Armenia, stated: "All that happened are not a mere attempt for coup d'état or 'colorful' revolution, but an even more dangerous, a premeditated attempt to instigate civil war and fratricide; ... Envision for a moment that if even a contingent or a group of soldiers fell to that propaganda; if their guns ended up in the hands of the rioters, a real war could have begun in the center of Yerevan between the [Armenian] armed forces. In that case, the number of the victims would have been immensely numerous. The aforementioned activities instigated by Ter-Petrossyan and his team illustrate the highest level of political irresponsibility."

He underlined: "Ter-Petrossyan's activities had reached a severely dangerous process threatening Armenia's security, potentially causing tragic consequences - fomenting internal mutiny in the Armenian Army; military confrontation; unjustifiable fratricidal war. This entire [episode was] taking place while a clear and present threat existed for a massive Azeri military invasion. And that in any situation would have no justification whatsoever."

In a follow-up April 3 editorial in Hayots Ashkharh, the Managing Editor Gagik Mkrtchyan underlined: "Let's agree, A. Ayvazyan was brutally honest toward certain pro-government politicians who are pathetically begging Ter-Petrossyan to start a dialog with them. He was so pitiless toward those deceptive dreams 'cherished' by these same people. So long as they repeat the word 'dialog,' the latter from now on will have to be forced to answer the following question: Dialog with whom, with those civil war instigators? With the one who is a threat to our national security?"

It is understandable that the Kocharyan government, in order not to be smeared by neo-cons in the West, as "a regime on a witch-hunt," refrained from conducting and making public an evaluation of his predecessor Ter-Petrossyan's regime by holding him personally and his cohorts responsible for the all-out looting of Armenia from 1991 to 1996.

But that backfired on the Armenian state very badly. After 10 years of "innocent" absence from the Armenian political arena, the widely discredited Ter-Petrossyan who was forced into resignation because of his several blunders as president, resurfaced literally unscathed.

Banking on the Armenian people's "short memory," he came back as an outsider. He criticized the Kocharyan regime as an outsider. Still as an outsider, he boastfully labeled Kocharyan and his main ally, then Prime Minister and presidential candidate Serge Sargsyan as "Turks and thieves." But he forgot that he was the one who begged Kocharyan to leave his presidential post in Stepanakert, Artsakh and come to Yerevan and serve as Prime Minister in order to bail him out during the waning months of his highly unpopular presidency.

Ter-Petrossyan even forgot that he ignited severe popular criticism when he offered to "return" sizeable chunks of the liberated territories of Armenian Artsakh to Turkic Azerbaijan (The "Republic Of Azerbaijan" was artificially created at the infamous dawn of the now-defunct Soviet Empire). He eventually succumbed to worldwide all-Armenian pressure and resigned.

He also conveniently forgot that it was because of catastrophic massive impoverishment under Ter-Petrossyan that over a million economically dispossessed Armenians participated in the exodus. Ironically for Ter-Petrossyan, under Kocharyan, the immigration statistics of the last few years reflect a positive movement of migration into Armenia.

The problem was that not only he forgot, but also a segment (about 20%) of the Armenian electorate forgot and once again fell for him. Thus, a segment of the disenfranchised Armenian voters entrusted their legitimate complains about very valid economic injustices to a discredited Armenian political "Grey Wolf."

In order to avoid becoming an unwitting contributor to a new potential disaster, the Armenian Judiciary must bring Ter-Petrossyan to Justice.






A Public Appeal by

Armenian Americans for Stablility In Armenia




The statement was broadcast live on TV in Los Angeles and around the world. It was read by USA Armenian Life Magazine Managing Editor Appo Jabarian, a member of the "Armenian Americans for Stablility In Armenia."


Soon after the deeply disturbing events of March 1, a group of citizens of Armenia, Tigran Kocharyan, Peter Maghdashyan, and Karen Vrtanesyan created an on-line petition condemning the riots by Mr. Ter-Petrossyan's supporters.


On March 8, a group of Armenian American journalists, TV hosts, writers and activists, deeply concerned with post-election developments in Armenia, held its inaugural conference in Los Angeles. The group, called "Armenian Americans for Stability in Armenia," issued its first public appeal. The appeal reflects the online petitioners' statement.


The appeal stated: "We strongly believe that now Levon Ter-Petrossyan is a direct threat to the statehood of Armenia. The feeling of revenge, personal business interests and affiliations are the motives behind Levon Ter-Petrossyan's scandalous comeback. While we criticize our government for many weaknesses and faults we strongly believe that Levon Ter-Petrossyan is the last person in the world to be interested in strengthening democracy in Armenia."


The appeal concluded: "We call on the government of Armenia to conduct a thorough investigation and bring to fair trial all instigators of disturbances and civil unrest. With enough evidence of complicity immunity should be lifted from Ter-Petrossyan himself. In a true democracy, no one can be above the law."








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