23 Nisan 2008 Çarşamba

[Daughters_of_Ataturk] ERMENI SOYKIRIMI YALAN

ABD'li tarihçi Guenter Lewy Ingiliz, Alman ve Amerikan arsivlerinde yaptigi arastirmalarda, Ermenilerin 1915 olaylarina iliskin 'soykirim' iddialarinin dogru olmadigi sonucuna vardigini söyledi.

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Sema Karaoglu, Founder               Meltem Birkegren, Director

Daughters of Atatürk is proud to promote Turkish Heritage across the globe. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk shaped the legacy we proudly inherited.
His integrity and dynamism and vision constantly inspires us. We are thankful to him for walking the untrodden path, achieving the unimaginable dream, living the eternal vision. We are the Turks, we are the future of Turkey.

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